“Culture” Chapter 8 Section 1


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Presentation transcript:

“Culture” Chapter 8 Section 1 **Cathedral in Brazil’s capital

1.1 Indigenous Cultures European Contact: Indigenous people were permanently changed by the arrival of Europeans Diseases and war with Europeans killed many native people and reduced their populations A new population group was introduced… Mestizo Mestizos are people of mixed European and native ancestry Some also have African roots, or cultural origins, because of slavery

Maintaining Traditions: The Aymara, Quechua, and Guarani are the 3 largest indigenous groups in South America The Aymara live in the Andes of Peru and Bolivia Speak their native language Aymara Herd llamas and alpacas and grow potatoes and quinoa The Quechua live in the Andes of Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia Isolated mountain villages Religion is a blend of Catholicism and native beliefs Have traditions in weaving and speaking native Quechua

The Guarani live in Paraguay Roots go back to Guarani and Spanish ancestors Guarani culture is seen in folk art and Guarani language The Munduruku live in Brazil Ancestors farmed, hunted, and fished in rain forest Adapted to modern world by selling forest products such as latex

1.2 Language Diversity European Influences: Predominant, or main, South American languages are Spanish and Portuguese French and Italian are also spoken and known as “Romance” languages that come from Latin In 1800s, land extending from Mexico through South America became known as Latin America

1.2 Language Diversity Europeans also brought development of Creole Language results when two other languages are combined Plantation workers created a blend of European and non-European languages Gave people who spoke different languages a way to communicate Indigenous languages still thrive after European influences More than 500 languages are spoken today Topography, or physical features, of the land isolated indigenous groups and kept their languages separate from Europeans

Indigenous Languages Some indigenous languages are official languages because of their widespread use Quechua is in Peru Guarani is in Paraguay where more people speak Guarani than Spanish Unlike Quechua and Guarani, there are “endangered languages” Kallawaya, Saliva, and Maka Preserving languages helps to preserve the histories, songs, and stories of the cultures that speak them

1.3 Daily Life Religious Practices Roman Catholicism was main religion during colonial period Came from Spanish and Portuguese who converted natives to Catholicism 80% are Catholic with Brazil having the largest population More Europeans immigrated after Spanish and Portuguese Protestants or Christians who separated from Catholic Church arrived in South America Local religion called Candomble combines African spiritual practices with Catholicism Annual Carnival festival mixes Catholic and African celebrations

School and Sports Public education provided in every country Some students still struggle to receive schooling Rural areas do not have easy access Might leave school to help earn money for families Most people are able to read and write Futbol, known as soccer in the US, is a favorite team competition Brazilian teams are known for competing in and often winning the World Cup

Regional Food South American cuisine, or food characteristic of a certain place, varies in parts of the continent Coastal areas enjoy seafood as a main ingredient in stew called paila maria Uruguay and Argentina often use beef because of grazing land The mountains of Peru use llamas as a source of meat Stews with black beans, or feijoadas, rice, and vegetables are common in South America