Do now An alien has landed! This alien comes from the former planet Pluto. The alien is really confused about our weather and the different types of heat transfer that we have here on Earth. In complete sentences, write a brief paragraph explaining and connecting radiation and conduction/convection.
Announcements Short quiz on Friday. Homework packets due on Friday.
Agenda Quick labs demonstrating radiation, conduction, and convection. Begin jigsaw activity in your 4’s.
Why do we care about the layers? The layers of the atmosphere all have different properties that protect us.
Labs Today could potentially get messy. Continue to be on your best behavior. You’ll be working in your pairs with the exception of the first activity.
Conduction lab We’re going to pretend to be the molecules in an object. When I tell you to, we will all stand up. YOU MUST MOVE QUICKLY AND SILENTLY INTO A CIRLCE! You will be holding hands with the person next to you. RESPECT I’m going to pretend to be radiation. When I touch the shoulder of a student, that person clenches their right hand around the left hand of the person whose hand their holding. This tells the individual to then squeeze their right hand, pressing on the left hand of the person whose hand their holding. This transfer continues around the circle until the left hand of the person who started the activity is squeezed. I’m going to time how long it takes for the energy of that first hand compression to work around the entire group.
Conduction How does this demonstrate conduction?
Convection lab In your partners, you’ll need to get a cup of hot water with aluminum foil and a beaker. Carefully place the cup into the beaker. Make one qualitative observation in your notes! Grab a cup of cold water and pour water into the jar until the water goes over the top of the cup and nearly to the top of the jar. Use a stick to poke a hole in the foil. Watch the warm colored water rise through the jar of clear, cold water. As the extremes between the water temperatures balance, the color will disperse throughout the entire jar.
Convection lab What does this teach us about convection?
Jigsaw activity Group work: Work with the 4’s that I put you in. We’re going to begin our transition into Project Based Learning. You need to understand how to work in groups. Work with the 4’s that I put you in.