Contract Award to Toole Design Group, LLC for Consultant Services to Prepare a Complete Street Blueprint Programming Tool City Council July 23, 2018 Item 6
Recommendation Find that this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) (General Rule); and Authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract, with Toole Design Group, LLC (Tool Design Group) for consultant services to provide a five-year programming tool that identifies and prioritizes Complete Street design elements by location in the City for an amount not to exceed $153,205 which includes the base contract amount of $122,706 and a contingency of $30,499 to provide for any necessary change orders. Competitive bidding is not required pursuant to City Charter Section 1002(F) contracts for professional or unique services. Grant the proposed contract an exemption from the Competitive Selection process pursuant to Pasadena Municipal Code Section 4.08.049(B) contracts for which the City’s best interests are served.
Background The Complete Streets Blueprint Project is intended to be a five-year programming tool that identifies and prioritizes Complete Street design elements by location in the City. The project will help in determining areas that need pedestrian and vehicular safety enhancements. The project would integrate with the Pavement Management Program in development by Public Works to optimize the expenditure of street maintenance funds in the implementation of Pasadena’s Complete Streets policies. The Blueprint is anticipated to require both technical analysis and community engagement.
What’s a Programming Tool? A decision support system Layered mapping system Integrates data from multiple sources Collision Database Sidewalk/Crosswalk gaps/deficiencies Traffic Investigations Traffic Volumes/Speed Management Demographics Coordinates with Pavement Management Program
What’s it do? Identifies and prioritizes using weighting criteria developed with the community
Basis for Selection Toole Design selected on the basis of work done for TRB/AASHTO
Complete Streets–CA Definition 65040.2 of the Government Code (A) Commencing January 1, 2011, upon any substantial revision of the circulation element, the legislative body shall modify the circulation element to plan for a balanced, multimodal transportation network that meets the needs of all users of the streets, roads, and highways for safe and convenient travel in a manner that is suitable to the rural, suburban, or urban context of the general plan. (B) For the purposes of this paragraph, “users of streets, roads, and highways” means bicyclists, children, persons with disabilities, motorists, movers of commercial goods, pedestrians, users of public transportation, and seniors. Policy
Complete Streets Elements Street Design Guide Defines Complete Streets for Pasadena Accommodates retrofitting of existing street network Supports incremental investment with Pavement Management Program Provides mode-specific examples of design elements
Fiscal Impact The cost of this action will be $153,205. Funding for this action will be addressed by utilization of DOT operating budget, account number 10124002-811400
Recommendation Find that this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) (General Rule); and Authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract, with Toole Design Group, LLC (Tool Design Group) for consultant services to provide a five-year programming tool that identifies and prioritizes Complete Street design elements by location in the City for an amount not to exceed $153,205 which includes the base contract amount of $122,706 and a contingency of $30,499 to provide for any necessary change orders. Competitive bidding is not required pursuant to City Charter Section 1002(F) contracts for professional or unique services. Grant the proposed contract an exemption from the Competitive Selection process pursuant to Pasadena Municipal Code Section 4.08.049(B) contracts for which the City’s best interests are served.