Period Achievements Jomon (13,000-300 B.C.E.) Pottery-making, hunting-gathering, developing agriculture, villages developed Yayoi (300B.C.E.-300 C.E.) Rice farming, social classes begin to evolve, metal-working is available Yamato (539-710 C.E.) Taika reforms fail, centralized government begins to take form, Buddhism is introduced to Japan Nara (710-794 C.E.) Ritsuryo System fails, Buddhism becomes the court religion, selective borrowing from Tang China takes place, Chinese influence is high, barter-based economy Heian (794-1192 C.E.) Kana syllables developed, peace is prevalent, elitist court culture and values developed, great Japanese literature are created by Heian women Ashikaga (1338-1573 C.E.) Trade with China and domestic production increase, firearms and Christianity are introduced to Japan Age of Warring States (1467-1568 C.E.) Trade with China and domestic production increase, firearms and Christianity are introduced to Japan; period of power struggle; Europeans & Christians exiled. Tokugawa (1603-1868 C.E.) Centralized feudalism develops, agriculture booms, trade flourishes, towns come about, Kabuki develops