Telescopes 4/23/15 IN: What is a telescope? How is it used? 18-3 pgs. 496-501 IN: What is a telescope? How is it used?
Telescope – an instrument that collects electromagnetic radiation from the sky and concentrates it for better observation.
Electromagnetic spectrum – all the wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation. From stars.
Multiwavelength Astronomy - Our Galaxy: The Milky Way
Refracting telescope – uses a set of lenses to gather and focus light.
Refracting telescope Size is limited Large lens can distort image
Reflecting telescope – uses curved mirrors to gather and focus light.
Reflecting telescope Mirrors can be made very large Allow all colors to be seen.
Very Large Reflecting Telescope Keck Telescope, Hawaii
Optical Telescopes and the Atmosphere The light gathered can be affected by the atmosphere. The dust and dirt in the atmosphere is what cause stars to “twinkle”.
Optical Telescopes and the Atmosphere Telescopes are place in dry areas to avoid water vapor in the air. Mountaintops are also good places because or the higher elevation. This puts the telescope above pollution and increases the visibility of stars.
Hubble Space Telescope To avoid the atmosphere, scientists put telescopes in space. Hubble Space Telescope hubblesite org
Non-Optical Astronomy Astronomers are interested in all forms of electromagnetic radiation because different objects radiate at different wavelengths. Radio Telescopes Receive radio waves Hopkins Telescope Detects UV wavelenghs
OUT: Name one way in which refracting and reflecting telescopes are similar and one way they are different.