July 2016 802.15 Motions EC Meeting July 29, 2016 Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego, CA, USA Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance
Contents of Package 802.15.3e to Sponsor Ballot (unconditional) July 2016 Contents of Package 802.15.3e to Sponsor Ballot (unconditional) 802.15.4t to Sponsor Ballot (conditional) 802.15.4u to RevCom (conditional) 802.15.7 PAR Title Change to NesCom 802.15.8 PAR Extension to NesCom Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance
July 2016 802.15.3e High Rate Close Proximity (HRCP) Unconditional Approval to Start Sponsor Ballot Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance
802.15.3e Letter Ballot History July 2016 802.15.3e Letter Ballot History Initial Letter Ballot (LB114) closed 21 Feb 2016 Vote Results (pool of 103 voters) 71 Responses (69%) 65 Yes, 4 no (94% approval ratio) 2 Abstain (3%) Ballot passes 140 comments from 9 commenters (84 no Voter comments) 108 Must Be Satisfied (56 accepted, 40 revised, 12 rejected, 0 out of scope, 0 withdrawn) 32 Other Comment Resolution Spreadsheet: https://mentor.ieee.org/802.15/dcn/16/15-16-0162-08-003e-lb114-consolidated-comments.xls Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance
802.15.3e Letter Ballot History July 2016 802.15.3e Letter Ballot History Recirc-1 (LB119) closed 14 May 2016 Final cumulative vote results (pool of 103 voters) 73 Responses (71% response ratio) 67 Yes, 4 no (94% approval ratio) 2 Abstain (3% abstain ratio) Ballot passes 101 comments from 3 commenters (66 no Voter comments) 39 Must Be Satisfied (23 accepted, 15 revised, 1 rejected, 0 out of scope, 0 withdrawn) 62 Other Comment Resolution Spreadsheet: https://mentor.ieee.org/802.15/dcn/16/15-16-0371-04-003e-lb119-consolidated-comments.xls Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance
802.15.3e Letter Ballot History July 2016 802.15.3e Letter Ballot History Recirc-2 (LB124) closed 3 July 2016 – Final Recirc. Final cumulative vote results (pool of 103 voters) 76 Responses (74% final response ratio) 74 Yes, 0 no (100% final approval ratio) 2 Abstain (3% final abstain ratio) Ballot passes 32 comments from 1 commenter (0 no Voter comments) All 32 comments withdrawn by commenter Comment Resolution Spreadsheet: https://mentor.ieee.org/802.15/dcn/16/15-16-0524-00-003e-tg3e-consolidated-letter-ballot-comments.xls Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance
15.3e Review by Editorial Coordination Staff Summary July 2016 15.3e Review by Editorial Coordination Staff Summary MEC Review Completed on 7/22/16 All MEC items have been addressed MEC review detail can be found at: https://mentor.ieee.org/802.15/dcn/16/15-16-0541-00-003e-15-3e-mec-review-detail.pptx Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance
15.3e (High Rate Close Proximity) to Sponsor Ballot July 2016 15.3e (High Rate Close Proximity) to Sponsor Ballot Motion: 802.15 has reviewed and approves the CSD [15-14-0716-07-003e] and requests unconditional approval from the EC to submit P802.15.3e_D03 to Sponsor Ballot. (WG vote: x-x-x) Mover: Bob Heile Seconder: James Gilb Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance
802.15.4t Higher Rate PHY Conditional Approval to Start Sponsor Ballot July 2016 802.15.4t Higher Rate PHY Conditional Approval to Start Sponsor Ballot Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance
802.15.4t Letter Ballot History July 2016 802.15.4t Letter Ballot History Initial Letter Ballot (LB123) closed 23 June 2016 Vote Results (pool of 103 voters) 73 Responses (71%) 62 Yes, 4 No (93% approval ratio) All 4 No voters have since changed their vote to Yes 7 Abstain (10%) Ballot passes 16 comments from 8 commenters (6 Must Be Satisfied) All 4 No voters have accepted the resolutions to their 6 comments Comment Resolution Spreadsheet: https://mentor.ieee.org/802.15/dcn/16/15-16-0448-06-004t-tg4t-consolidated-comment-entry-form.xls Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance
15.4t Review by Editorial Coordination Staff July 2016 15.4t Review by Editorial Coordination Staff MEC Review Completed on 6/13/16 Response from Patrick Gibbons: You must submit your draft for review by the IEEE Registration Authority. Please provide an introduction for your draft. Completion of Above Items Per consult w/Michelle Turner (on7/27/16), since there are no objects in draft an IEEE Registration Authority review is not needed. Introduction being added prior to LB recirculation. Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance
15.4t (Higher Rate) to Sponsor Ballot July 2016 15.4t (Higher Rate) to Sponsor Ballot Motion: 802.15 has reviewed and approves the CSD [15-15-0739-02-0000] and requests conditional approval from the EC to submit P802.15.4t/D02 Draft Standard to Sponsor Ballot. (WG vote 45/0/0) Moved: Heile, Second: Gilb Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance
802.15.4u India SubGHz Band Conditional Approval to forward to RevCom July 2016 802.15.4u India SubGHz Band Conditional Approval to forward to RevCom Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance
802.15.4u to RevCom Initial Sponsor Ballot Close Date: 15-Jul-2016 July 2016 802.15.4u to RevCom Initial Sponsor Ballot Close Date: 15-Jul-2016 71 eligible people in this ballot group-- 90% returned 62 affirmative votes (98% affirmative) 1 total negative votes with comments 1 abstention votes: (Lack of time: 1) Total Comments: 16 / Must be Satisfied Comments: 1 Based on the resolution to his comment, the one NO voter has flipped his vote to yes. Need one recirculation to finish up Comment Resolutions details can be found at: https://mentor.ieee.org/802.15/dcn/16/15-16-0485-03-004u-802-15-4u-sponsor-ballot-consolidated-comments.xlsx Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance
July 2016 802.15.4u to RevCom Motion: The 802.15 WG has reviewed and approves the CSD [https://mentor.ieee.org/802-ec/dcn/15/ec-15-0103-01-ACSD-802-15-4u.docx] and requests conditional approval from the EC to submit P802.15.4u_D4 to RevCom (WG vote: x/x/x) Mover: Heile Second: Gilb Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance
Maintenance PARs to NesCom July 2016 Maintenance PARs to NesCom Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance
July 2016 802.15.7 PAR Title Change Group wishes to align PAR title with common industry usage which is Optical Wireless Communications Move: that the EC approve forwarding the 802.15.7 PAR title change request (15-16-0505-00-007a) to NesCom (WG vote: 43-0-1) Moved: Heile Second: Gilb Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance
July 2016 802.15.8 One Year PAR Extension Move that the EC approve forwarding the one year 802.15.8 PAR extension request (15-16-0531-00-0008) to NesCom (WG vote: 45-0-0) Moved: Heile Second: Gilb Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance