Developers believe that housing associations are struggling to build social housing because of lack of grant funding and so are looking to build their own Politicians are not always clear about what we stand for even if they know what we do The larger a housing association is the more efficient they are – obviously! We are just not a force to be reckoned with
Fewer people have direct experience of social housing The public perception of social housing tenants is that they are unemployed and in receipt of benefits. 72% of the public over-estimate the number of people in social housing who are unemployed. What people think they know comes from ‘poverty porn’ which links tenure and benefits 90% tenants say that the media portrays a stereotype of people who live in social housing A Think Tank to gather tenants’ views of social housing in October 2017 found an overwhelmingly strong message that tenants like living in social housing, they value their landlord and their local community.
Our research demonstrates that negative media portrayals of social housing tenants are far more common than any positive coverage. There is an ongoing negative impact from this on individuals and communities.
A quiz How many people live in a housing association home? Last year what percentage of new homes were built by housing associations? How many was that? How much did that add to England’s economy? How many full time jobs did that support? For every £1 of public money how much do HAs invest? (a) 1 in 10 (b) 2 in 10 (c) 3 in 10 (a) 23% (b) 26% (c) 31% (a) 36,275 (b) 38,082 (c) 39,311 (a) £1.6 bn (b) £1.8 bn (c) £1.9 bn (a) 20,000 (b) 32,000 (c) 53,000 (a) £6 (b) £9 (c) £10
Power The ability to get things done
How power is defined is changing Old power Held by a few Leader driven Secretive Enabled by what people know, control that others don’t Taps into consumption New power Made by many Open and participatory Peer-driven Transparent Don’t hoard it channel it Goes beyond consumption
Today, the wisest organizations will be those engaging in the most painfully honest conversations, inside and outside, about their impact.
Who will really show up for you?
The greatest test for the conductors of new power will be their willingness to engage with the challenges of the least powerful.