Y Perffaith a’r Gorberffaith The perfect and pluperfect tenses.


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Presentation transcript:

Y Perffaith a’r Gorberffaith The perfect and pluperfect tenses

The perfect and pluperfect tense Gwaith Dosbarth Dyddiad The perfect and pluperfect tense understand how to say you HAVE done or HAD done something in Welsh WALT:

The perfect tense is when you say you HAVE done something Y Perffaith The perfect tense is when you say you HAVE done something Perfect tense

Y dyddiad Gwaith dosbarth Rwyt ti wedi… Mae o wedi … Mae hi wedi … Y Gorffennol Perffaith Copiwch Rydw i wedi … Rwyt ti wedi… Mae o wedi … Mae hi wedi … Mae Bethan wedi … Mae Michael wedi … Rydyn ni wedi … Rydych chi wedi … Maen nhw wedi …. I have …. You have …. He has….. She has …. Bethan has … Michael has … We have ….. They have ……

Then add the action…. Rydw i wedi cysgu – I have slept Mae o wedi bwyta – he has eaten Mae Alison wedi gorffen - Alison has finished Mae Emily wedi dechrau _ Emily has started

Dydw i ddim wedi I haven’t …. Dydy o ddim wedi He hasn’t….. To make it a negative: Dydw i ddim wedi I haven’t …. Dydy o ddim wedi He hasn’t….. Just add a D to the beginning and ddim before wedi e.e. Dydw i ddim wedi gorffen eto I haven’t finished yet Dydy James ddim wedi dechrau James hasn’t started

The pluperfect tense is when you say you HAD done something Y Gorberffaith?!? The pluperfect tense is when you say you HAD done something The pluperfect tense?!?

Y Gorberffaith - The Pluperfect Tense Copiwch Y Gorberffaith - The Pluperfect Tense Roeddwn i wedi … Roeddet ti wedi… Roedd o wedi … Roedd hi wedi … Roedd Bethan wedi … Roedd Michael wedi Roedden ni wedi … Roeddech chi wedi … Roedden nhw wedi I had …. You had …. He had….. She had …. Bethan had … Michael had … We had ….. They had ……

Then add the action…. Roeddwn i wedi cysgu – I had slept Roedd o wedi bwyta – he had eaten Roedd Alison wedi gorffen - Alison had finished Roedd Emily wedi dechrau _ Emily had started

Doeddwn i ddim wedi I hadn’t …. Doedd o ddim wedi He hadn’t….. To make it a negative: Doeddwn i ddim wedi I hadn’t …. Doedd o ddim wedi He hadn’t….. Just add a D to the beginning and ddim before wedi e.e. Doeddwn i ddim wedi gorffen eto I hadn’t finished yet Doedd James ddim wedi dechrau James hadn’t started

Cyfieithwch - translate 10 munud Jordan had eaten his breakfast (bwyta ei frecwast) We have gone to the cinema (mynd i’r sinema) They hadn’t played rugby (chwarae rygbi) He had drank his tea (ei dê) You (plural) haven’t paid! (talu) They have gone on holiday (ar wyliau) You (friend) had wasted food (gwastraffu bwyd) I hadn’t finished my dinner (gorffen fy nghinio) I haven’t finished my dinner I have finished my dinner I had finished my dinner

Yr atebion Roedd Jordan wedi bwyta ei freceast Rydyn ni wedi mynd i’r sinema Doedden nhw ddim wedi chwarae rygbi Roedd o wedi yfed ei dê Dydych chi ddim wedi talu! Maen nhw wedi mynd ar wyliau Roeddet ti wedi gwastraffu bwyd Doeddwn i ddim wedi gorffen fy nghinio Dydw i ddim wedi gorffen fy nghinio Rydw i wedi gorffen fy nghinio Roeddwn i wedi gorffen fy nghinio

Estynedig Rwan ysgrifennwch 20 o frawddegau eich hun yn defnyddio’r perfaith a’r gorberffaith YN GYMRAEG Now write 20 sentences of your own using the perfect and pluperfect IN WELSH

Chwarae criced Play cricket Ennill y gêm Won the game Mynd ar y wê Go on the internet Coginio sglodion Cook chips Colli’r plot Lose the plot Bod yn dwp Be stupid Gweiddi allan Shout out Mynd i’r toiled Go to the toilet Bwyta sglodion Eat chips Golchi’r llestri Wash the dishes Mynd i siopa Go shopping Nofio yn yr afon Swim in the river Gwneud gwaith cartref Do homework Chwarae ar yr Xbox play on the Xbox Yfed sudd oren Drink orange juice Mynd ar Snapchat Go on Snapchat Dweud jôc Tell a joke Gwenu o glust i glust Smile from ear to ear Yfed Dr Pepper Drink Dr Pepper Cystadlu Compete Hedfan i Sbaen Fly to Spain Neidio fel cangarŵ Jump like a Kangaroo Canu fel bwji Sing like a budgie Gwrando ar gerddoriaeth Listen to music