Customer-centric culture And Digital Tranformation Digital Business, Customer-centric culture And Digital Tranformation Metin Demirel 6 October 2016
Digital Business Digital business is the creation of new business designs by blurring the boundaries between the digital and physical worlds. Smartphones, tablets, wearables are connecting digital and physical worlds. Mobile devices create great opportunities for companies to engage their customers and become critical enablers of digital business. Customers are becoming more comfortable with using mobile devices and looking to gain greater efficiencies from more connections to, and seamless integration with, companies, processes and things. To prepare for this new mobile digital age, companies must have a digital strategy that aligns with their customers' expectations.
Product Centric Industry Unfortunately, insurance industry is product-centric . Industry focuses on the products and bringing them to market rather than the customers that buy products. Insurance Comapnies look to develop new products by leveraging technology or specialized skills that exist in the company. They start by looking internally at their capabilities rather than externally. In the mean time insurers are not meeting customers’ expectations Customer surveys indicates insurers are failing to meet customers’ expectations in service quality, rewarding loyalty, communication and product transparency. Consumers tend to judge insurers against other consumer industries, expecting comparable standards of service and rewards for loyalty. Insurers typically benchmark themselves against their peers in the industry. That’s a big disconnect. Insurers need to look outside the industry to do this effectively.
Challenge of developing a customer-centric culture Product and Process centric Core Applications not aligned with customer–centric culture. ( Indeed applications reflect the decades of product centric business needs ) They limit ability to meet customer needs and customer data trapped in silos. It is critical that the Core systems have APIs/services exposed for all major functionality. In this way, different processes can be supported and changed in the back-office and core systems, as can capabilities and services from the other platforms Creating a customer experience platform that run the technology that have a "single consolidated view of the customer" and enables interaction, communication and value to the customers in many ways, the gateway through which other platforms, inbound data, insight, requests as well as outbound information and fulfillment of services go through.
To Transform Business for Insurance of the Future Industry vision for insurance is the continued expansion and deconstruction of the insurance value chain where companies look to strategically leverage partners outside of their organizations for business improvements. As part of this "business ecosystems"strategy, insurance business and IT leaders will leverage more external partners to develop a joint value proposition to customers. Insurance companies need to expand their insurance value chain and become orchestrators of their own business ecosystems. By managing the information exchange within a growing business ecosystem, insurers would create a new customer experience. We do believe that insurance business need an ecosystem of partners such as academic institutions, startup companies ("insurancetechs") and third-party service providers in order to successfully execute digital transformation
Aksigorta Digital Strategy Building a Digital Culture Get Closer to Customers Digitally Empower Distribution Channels Digitally Empower Company Digitally Empower Service Ecosystem Aksigorta Digital Strategy Transform Business for Insurance of the Future
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