Using Parent Access to Complete Your Online Course Selection SCHEDULING PART 2 Using Parent Access to Complete Your Online Course Selection
USE SCHEDULING SHEET TO GUIDE YOU THROUGH THIS PROCESS *This form will greatly simplify the scheduling process and reduce errors when selecting course priorities*
Sign In *Please Contact Ms. Barbato at with any log-in issues*
*Once logged into your account please click on the “Scheduling” tab* Click “Scheduling” *Once logged into your account please click on the “Scheduling” tab*
Click “Requests” *Once in the scheduling section make sure to then click on “Requests” to begin the process*
DO NOT CLICK *Please do NOT click “Submit” until you have added all of your requests. If you have not done so, please make sure to have your completed scheduling sheet readily available*
Click “Request a course” *Click on the “Request a course” link associated with the desired subject area to get a list of all courses available*
Please Read Directions! Review Available Courses **Some courses require pre-requisites that may have not been met yet. Speak to your Counselor if there is a mistake** *Please take the time to review the directions, available courses, and pre-requisites on this page*
Must Include Priority Number Click After Priority Has Been Added Confirm Selection Must Include Priority Number Click After Priority Has Been Added *A priority number (1-12 or 1-6 for Quarter Electives) MUST be given for a desired elective in “Additional Information” before clicking on “Request This Course”. This is where the excel scheduling sheet will be crucial in making sure this process is quick, easy and accurate. Only one course can be selected at a time*
Delete Request /Add Additional Requests Course Name Priority Given Delete Request /Add Additional Requests *After adding the desired course you will be able to check the priority that it was given, delete/edit the request and begin to request additional courses*
Credit Amount Priority 1-12 Credit Amount Priority 1-6 *Remember any ELECTIVE that is 2.5 – 5 Credits (Semester/Full Year) MUST be given a priority number ranging from 1-12. Any ELECTIVE that is 1.25 Credits (Quarter Course) MUST be given a priority number ranging from 1-6. Only ELECTIVES require priority numbers in additional information*
DO NOT NUMBER *Reminder that Core Academic Courses, Health and Physical Education do NOT receive priorities in additional information. If you are following your completed excel scheduling sheet it will be very clear which courses need to be numbered *
Scheduling Sheet *Final reminder that the scheduling sheet should have been completed and used as a guide. As seen above, it is extremely clear which electives should be requested and their priority*
Submit Once ALL Requests Added *Click the “Submit” button once all academic courses, 12 semester/full year electives and 6 quarter electives have been added and prioritized*
Type SUBMIT and Click “OK” *Once you click “Submit”, a pop-up will appear asking for confirmation. Type in SUBMIT and click “OK”*
Important Dates and Information: Course requests on Parent Access will open on January 11th 2019 and MUST be completed by Monday February 11th 2019 Scheduling sheet is highly recommended to be e-mailed or shared via Google drive to your Counselor Counselors will only meet with students to finalize requests and discuss waivers (if needed) AFTER course requests have been submitted on Parent Access and Scheduling Sheet emailed/shared.