SCHEDULING PART 1 Using the Excel Scheduling Worksheet to Help Complete Your Online Course Selection
Sign In *Please Contact Ms. Barbato at with any log-in issues*
Click “Documents” *Once logged in, click on the “documents” tab towards the top of the page*
Open “Excel Worksheet” *Click on the link to open the scheduling excel worksheet*
*If prompted, please make sure to “Enable Macros”* Click “Enable Macros” *If prompted, please make sure to “Enable Macros”*
Priority Order MATTERS *The excel worksheet should look like the picture above. This may be a good time to create a new save so that progress is not lost*
*Drop down menu displays every course offered under each subject area*
EBHS Website URL: Click “Scheduling” *Course information can be found on the high school website under the Counseling Department – Scheduling*
Excel Sheet If Parent Access Did Not Work/Unavailable Course Description in Each Subject Area Entire Course Guide is Also Available *Click on the desired subject area link to be taken directly to that section of the course guide. The entire course guide will also be available to view if needed*
Access to information regarding each individual course offered at EBHS *Access to information regarding each individual course offered at EBHS. Courses highlighted can be clicked to view short videos pertaining to that course*
Entire Sheet Should be Completed *Must include core academic courses, 12 semester/full year electives and 6 quarter electives (NO EXCEPTIONS). Please pay special attention to priority order as you will use these numbers to prioritize electives during online scheduling*
Please Keep Your Excel Sheet Saved/Printed to Use When Online Scheduling Opens on January 11th 2019 We Also Would Like to Strongly Encourage Students to Stay After School On January 8th 2019 for the EBHS Elective Fair