Take Action! Strategies for Active Learning in the Classroom Karen E Braley
What challenges do you face when implementing active learning in your class?
Think Pair Share Ask a thought provoking question Students write down answers Students pair up and share thoughts Responses shared with group
Think Pair Share in Geoscience Image Interpretation Graph Interpretation Open-ended questions Scientific Method- Hypothesis Development
Gallery Walk Small groups of students move around the room answering prompts Groups can go back through and respond to previous groups comments Can use number stickers to rank importance Group discussion and instructor can correct misconceptions
How do I ensure the students are prepared for class?
Strategies for Pre-Work Preview Review A preview assignment that can be brought to class. It can also be an online quiz or assignment. After the class activity, a review assignment is used to measure learning. Just in Time in Teaching An assignment that is completed online within a short time frame before the class begins. Entry Quizzes A quiz given at the start of the class period before the activity
Jigsaw Students become an expert in a topic and then combine with peers to work together to solve a problem or complete a task. Instructor divides topic into team assignments Each student researches one aspect Recombine in a group to teach each other and complete a task
Jigsaw in Geoscience Google Earth Members of team analyze various locations such as barrier islands, volcanic cones, and valley glaciers Plate tectonics Teams analyze earthquake, volcano, seafloor age and topography maps. Come together to draw plate boundaries.
Online Adaptions Think Pair Share Have students turn in an individual answer about a problem Pair them up to come up with a team answer and share in a discussion post Gallery Walk Have students complete the Gallery Walk in a discussion post format Jigsaw Assign students individual tasks and have them work as a group using an online platform. Have them complete a joint assignment.
Collaborative Documents Activities that have students work together in and out of class using online tools. Use Google Docs to post a review and have students study virtually Have students create a presentation using an online app. Have groups of students create Wiki or web pages Follow-up with students Complete evaluations of the projects or create a worksheet that requires students to find the answers in their peers projects.
Cooperative Exam Students take part of the exam independently and part of the exam in groups. Students can compare and discuss the rationale for their answers. Group exam can make-up a small fraction of the total exam score (15 to 20%)
Question 1 Which active learning technique gets students out of their seats and moving? A. Think pair share B. Cooperative exam C. Gallery walk D. Collaborative documents
Question 2 Which of the following is a pre-work strategy? A. Gallery walk B. Jigsaw C. Preview review D. Cooperative exam
ConcepTest Multiple choice that focuses on key concepts Present a short lecture Post a concept question or test Students can answer using clickers, lettered cards, etc. Students discuss answers with neighbors Can have students answer the question again Can discuss the right answer with the class
What is your muddiest moment?
Minute Paper Daily check in Pose a question Students respond (may not require a name) Collect and review Address responses Gives students a voice for reflection Encourages students to think about the class immediately following the lecture/activity
Wrapper Self-Monitoring Activity Lecture Wrapper Start with discussion of active listening Have students list 3 key concepts of lecture Collect lists and reveal key points Research Project Wrapper Reflection about learning process Exam Wrapper Reflection on study technique Reading Reflection Main point What did you find confusing?