Progressivism By: The Seat of My Pants
Progressivism Populism Progressism New Deal
Populism Increase practice of democracy Economic and political reform
Populism Farmers—South and West Old Stock, religiously conservative
Populism Xenophobic Cannot connect with Urban workers (immigrants)
Populism Movement fails in 1896 Bryan vs. McKinley Generates ideas for the future
Progressivism Overwhelmingly white middle class and Protestant Strong support from clergy
Progressivism Could find common cause with farmers to achieve some of their goals Continued to have a hard time reaching the Urban Immigrant Worker
Hamiltonian Means must be used to achieve Jeffersonian Goals Progressivism Believed that the growth of large corporations under laissez faire had created conditions where Hamiltonian Means must be used to achieve Jeffersonian Goals
Progressivism Muckrakers Teddy Roosevelt William Howard Taft Election of 1912 Woodrow Wilson
Progressivism Progressivism is effectively brought to an end by US entry into the First World War