“What can the library ever do for me?” Michelle Maden, Clinical Information Specialist Lisa McLaren, LIRC Manager www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qc7HmhrgTuQ
apart from… apart from… Total number of books 20,000 Access to ebooks Edge Hill University e-brary collection – lots of management, health sciences, stats. Access is via the Edge Hill library catalogue with your card number and PIN Access to NHS ebooks – via NHS Evidence Book spend of 8k per year, please let us know if there are things you want, More common to be able to get core medical reference books as an eBook instead of 2 or 3 volumes of the print, is this something you want? We want to expand research and leadership resources For books check the lib cat via your desk
apart from… Journals picture Resources Journals – no of titles available to access in print and online via NHS Athens. Move to reduce print and move to e-only eCollections - how great they are with Wiley and Springer, make the most of Medline with full text
apart from…
apart from… apart from… Databases Proquest medical Medline with Full text ..best investment as it links to all our full text New interface for national collections Add in screengrabs for other resources via NHS Athens..?
apart from… Exam revision resources Exam revision for Trainees 123 Doc..want to review this this year as not really utilised. it has MRCP part 1 and part 2 and MRCS part A1 and A2. We would like some feedback from trainees about how good it is Have recently subscribed to Medical Masterclass from RCP - online revision and 12 core textbooks.
apart from… Access books and journals and national collections via LIRC web pages and use NHS Athens.
apart from… Aintree intranet Library web access Aintree Intranet you can access information from here and we also have news slots so every week we will have information about sessions, new books or new resources.
apart from… apart from… Save you time…(in what way…)
apart from… Books and journal articles we don’t have we can get via Inter Library Loans. You can now place requests online via the library catalogue. Please come and ask in the library
apart from… apart from… Literature Searching Saving you time locating exactly what you want using multiple resources to ensure you don’t miss anything. Systematic Review assistance
apart from… Has contributed May contribute Diagnosis 30.8% 26.9% Choice of assessment or test 22.2% 44.4% Choice of intervention 46.2% 38.5% Advice to patient 19.2% Service delivery/development 40.0% 44.0% Care pathway/guideline development Avoidance of referral, readmission, clinical test, hospitalisation 15.4% 23.1% Reduce length of stay 3.8% 34.6% Has contributed May contribute Meet quality standards 32.0% Improved quality of care 28.0% 44.0% Implement clinical guidelines 25.0% 45.8% Interventions based on best practice 40.0% Evaluation or audit 16.0% 48.0% Innovative practice 20.0% 68.0% Has contributed May contribute Update knowledge and skills relevant to clinical practice 74.1% 14.8% Comply with requirements of regulatory/professional bodies 53.8% 11.5% Support research 66.7% Gain qualifications 7.7% 34.6% Supervision/leadership 23.1% Delivering support/education/training 42.3%
apart from… Systematic Review Synthesis Grey Lit. CA checklists Conference proceedings PRISMA Templates Reference Management Full-text Research registers Quality assessment Recording search strategy Databases Data extraction Search strategy design Systematic Review
“Computer says no!” apart from… Helpdesk – accessing journals, athens, etc. Steve on our helpdesk can help with all access issues, general ICT, using ICT packages..eg need to embed video in a powerpoint, Steve can help. Training – Databases, Research Awareness Workshops, One-to-one, small groups, tailored training, drop-ins “Computer says no!”
apart from… Providing you with a quiet space to escape – Reading and Research Room
apart from… Photocopying, scanning
apart from… Providing freely available wi-fi and access to ** PCs and 5 Trust PCs
So, what can you do for the library? We need engagement from you to help us to improve our resources
Don’t have the book you want…suggest a book Don’t have the journal titles – journal review
Check the website for the latest news on resources, training and changes to opening times http://www.flickr.com/photos/kurafire/3190144689/
So apart from (recap) what has the library ever done for you So apart from (recap) what has the library ever done for you?....we’re all ears! http://www.flickr.com/photos/bill_harrison/4507181320/sizes/m/in/photostream/