Enhancing UN Coordination in Africa for Improved Data for Development Economic Commission for Africa
Official Statistics Architecture Coordination, Capacity Development, Data Flow UN agency 1 UN agency 2 UNSD IMF, WB Global … IAEG CCSA UN StatCom UN agency 1 UN agency 2 ECA AfDB AUC Regional StatCom/CoDG ASCC RECs Sub- Regional AFRISTAT National UN country offices National Statistics Office Line Ministries UNCT NSDS Coordination on themes
Proposed steps for consideration Active participation of UN agencies at the continental level on statistical activities 2. Active participation by UN country offices in NSDS process and in-country coordination 3. Joint effort on capacity development at regional level (in collaboration with global and regional UN agencies) – training, technical assistance 4. Technical level statistical coordination body needed at country level 5. Countries to be encouraged to use SDMX