PURPOSES To learn to analyze the good, bad, and ugly To learn to keep the good and delete the bad and ugly To learn to respond to classmates’ drafts
ACCESSING BLACKBOARD Enter the URL: Login with your account username and password. Click on the course name to access your course.
USING THE DROP BOX You must save your file to the hard drive or a floppy/CD before you can send it. Click on the Tools button. Click on Digital Drop Box. Click on Send File. Fill in the title field. Click the Browse button to find your file.
THE DROP BOX SCREEN You may add a comment in the comment box, but it isn’t mandatory. Click on Submit when you’re finished to send the file to your instructor. (The screen may look slightly different.)
USING THE DISCUSSION BOARD Click on the Discussion Board button. Click on the specific Forum. The class announcement should tell you which forum to access. Create a short message and upload your work as an attachment.
THE DISCUSSION BOARD SCREEN Fill in the Subject field with the subject of your paper. (The comment box might contain a short explanation of the paper.) Click on Browse to find your file. Click on Submit when finished.
THE DISCUSSION When discussing each other’s papers, you should be tactful with your criticism. Otherwise, the author might feel like Angel Eyes.
THE DISCUSSION (cont.) Don’t forget to take your papers to the Writing Center. This is what the student who didn’t looks like when he gets his graded paper back.
THE END Created by Group 3 Linda Harris Tony McGurrin Carol Quinn Don Killgallon (We don’t need no stinkin’ permissions.)