Cash Pools
Objectives After completing this lesson, you should be able to create, view, and update cash pools.
Agenda Overview Creating Cash Pools Viewing and Updating Cash Pools
Overview Cash Leveling or Cash Pooling helps you optimize the balances of the internal bank accounts held at one or more banks. Overview Cash leveling or Cash Pooling is a cash management technique aimed at optimizing the balances of the internal bank accounts held at one or several banks. It is usually performed on a daily basis and can be done by transaction or by total net end-of-day balances. To perform cash leveling, you need to define a cash pool and assign internal bank accounts setup in Oracle Treasury to the cash pool.
Creating Cash Pools Notional Cash Pools Physical Cash Pools consist of one or two concentration accounts and multiple sub-accounts with funds transfer rules specified used for cash leveling wherein you can initiate fund transfers or mirror outsourced cash pools consist of one concentration account and multiple sub accounts used for cash leveling similar to zero balancing without the actual funds movement Creating Cash Pools A cash pool is a group of bank accounts with one or more concentration accounts and multiple sub accounts. You can create the following two types of cash pools: notional cash pools and physical cash pools. Refer to Practice – Create Notional Cash Pool [LAB3F77Y] Refer to Practice – Create Physical Cash Pool [LAB3F78Y]
Viewing and Updating Cash Pools Simple Search Advanced Search Search by Cash Pool Name Go Create Notional Cash Pool Cash Pool Name Currency Type Update Viewing and Updating Cash Pools You can view cash pool information by searching for the cash pool name and clicking on the cash pool name in the Search and Results page. If you have the appropriate user security, you can update the cash pool.
Summary In this lesson, you should have learned how to create, view, and update cash pools.