TEXT WALK for HPC COVER: FRONT MATTER: BACK MATTER: What is the Title of the Text? Who are the authors? What do you think the picture on the text cover is supposed to represent? (Use complete sentences-CS) FRONT MATTER: From “Features of the Fourth Edition” in the Preface (pages vi and ix) what does it say about: “Theorems, Definitions, and Guidelines(CS) Study Tips (CS) BACK MATTER: From the “Definition of the Six Trigonometric Functions” inside the back cover at the top, what is the formula for cotϴ? From “Pythagorean Identities” give one formula? From “Double-Angle Formulas” what does sin2u equal? Use the “Answers to Warm Ups, Odd-Numbered Exercises and Tests” to find the answer to question 5 in Section 1.2. Use the Index to find the page numbers covering “Amplitude of sine and cosine curves”.
PARTS ORGANIZATION: CHAPTER FORMAT: From the Contents page on page xxi: How many chapters are there? What is the title of Chapter 4? What page would we find information about “Right Triangle Trigonometry” in Chapter Four? CHAPTER FORMAT: Open your book to Chapter Three in the text to answer the following: Name the five topics to be covered. They are 3.1 to 3.5 on the chapter title page. What is in the tan box on page 298? (CS) 3) Give a brief description of what the NOTE describes at the bottom of page 299.(CS) 4) Give a brief description of the Chapter Summary format (end of chapter resource pages). (CS)