NOTES: Causes of the Civil War
1) Missouri Compromise 1820 LA purchase land north of 36’30 = free South of line = slave All new land will be free
2) Wilmot Proviso 1846-1861 Bill that would have made slavery illegal in territory won during the Mexican War BUT, never approved… still don’t know what to do with territories
3) Compromise of 1850 WE GET TO CHOOSE!!! California = free Territories of NM & UT would decide for themselves (vote) whether slavery would be legal (popular sovereignty) Fugitive Slave Act = ordered all citizens to assist in the return of run away slaves.
4) Uncle Tom’s Cabin - 1852 Harriet Beecher Stowe Book that showed the evils of slavery, and showed slaves as real people “So this is the little lady who made this big war?” … Lincoln to Stowe upon first meeting
5) Kansas – Nebraska Act 1854 WE GET TO CHOOSE TOO!!! WE GET TO CHOOSE!!! Overturns Missouri Compromise (South complained it gave North too much power) KS & NE use popular sovereignty
4. Who do you think this cartoonist sympathizes with and why? Murder!!! Help – neighbors, help, O my poor wife and children 4. Who do you think this cartoonist sympathizes with and why? HINT: Who are they for and who are they making fun of? 3. A platform is a document describing the ideals of a political party. Judging by the cartoon, what was an important element of the democratic platform? 2. What is a freesoiler? 1. What term is used when the “slave question” was to be decided by the people’s vote?
6) Bleeding Kansas -1856 Missouri “border ruffians” crossed into Kansas to influence elections John Brown retaliated by executing slave owners "These men are all talk. What we need is action - action!" - John Brown Preston Brooks (southern democrat) attacked Charles Sumner (Northern Republican) in the US Senate -- Sumner had given a fiery speech to the U.S. Senate which included insulting remarks concerning a member of Brooks' family; in retaliation, Brooks hit Sumner with his cane, which put him in a hospital for nearly five months
Border “Ruffians” (pro-slavery Missourians) “Bleeding Kansas” Border “Ruffians” (pro-slavery Missourians)
7) Dred Scott Decision - 1857 Scott vs. Sandford Slave sued for his freedom Supreme Court rules slaves are NOT citizens, slaves are property, and a man can take his property anywhere What about the line? SLAVES = PROPERTY
8) John Brown’s Raid 1859 Attacked a federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, VA Plan to give weapons to slaves Brown captured & sentenced to be hanged President Abraham Lincoln said he was a "misguided fanatic" and Brown has been called "the most controversial of all 19th-century Americans.
John Brown: Madman or Martyr?
9) Election of 1860 Lincoln offered moderate views on slavery (just did not want it to spread) Captured the presidency w/o a single electoral vote in the south – a sectional victory
1860 Election Results
1860 Election: A Nation Coming Apart?!
10) Confederate States of America - 1861 Outraged by election Secessionists – wanted the south to secede, argued that since the states had voluntarily joined the US, they could choose to leave it South Carolina was the first
“Stars & Bars” – Confederate Flag Jefferson Davis Jefferson Davis was their president
Why do you think the border states would not secede?
11) Ft. Sumter - 1861 Federal fort (owned by Union) in Charleston, SC (Confederate territory) Confederates ordered fort to surrender … Union refused battle By firing on federal (union) property, the Confederates had committed an act of open rebellion Lincoln had to respond
Causes of the Civil War Timeline Use your “Causes of the CW” chart – must include all 10 events Timeline must include the following: Date Event Explanation Image DUE @ END OF CLASS!