Climate and Energy in a Complex Transition Process towards Sustainability in Hyderabad - Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies by Changing Institutions, Governance Structures, Lifestyles and Consumption Patterns Guiding Research Question: How can climate and energy security be gained in a fast growing Indian mega-city facing climate change (CC)? Focal Points: Five overarching sectors that are investigated with respect to potential CC impacts, mitigation and adaptation potential for a more sustainable urban development: Food security Transport system Water/energy/environment nexus Health Energy security
Project coordinator is the HUB: Prof. Hagedorn and Ramesh Chennamaneni Climate and Energy in a Complex Transition Process towards Sustainability in Hyderabad - Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies by Changing Institutions, Governance Structures, Lifestyles and Consumption Patterns Selection of Partnering Research Institutes in India: The Energy and Resources Institute, Delhi Center for Economic and Social Sciences (CESS), Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI), Engineering Staff College of India – Climate Change Centre Regional Center for Environment and Urban Studies at Osmania University (RCEUS-OU), and International Crop Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) PLUS many NGOs & government offices on diff. levels: Confederation of Voluntary Associations (COVA) Forum for a better Hyderabad (FORUM) Government of Andhra Pradesh, Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad (MCH), Hyderabad Urban Development Authority (HUDA), Chamber of Indian Industry (CII) Research Partners in Germany: Division of Resource Economics at Humboldt University of Berlin (HUB) (Coordinator, energy structure & market, governance structures), Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) (CC: impacts modelling, adaptation options, perception, lifestyles, mitigation & carbon footprint), Department of Cultural Geography, Uni.Freiburg (CULT-GEO) (food security, health), PTV (Traffic Mobility Logistics) in Karlsruhe (transport management), NEXUS GmbH in Berlin (communicaton & participation), and Institute for Cooperative Sciences at HUB (IfG) (consumer cooperatives) Project coordinator is the HUB: Prof. Hagedorn and Ramesh Chennamaneni
Two important findings : Certainty of climate change projections Most vulnerable population groups Lüdeke/Reckien/Kit/Sterzel/Budde/Bahrenhoff/Schärf et al.
Climate Change projections and their uncertainty for Hyderabad Main Methodological Elements: two global CO2-emission scenarios, describing a high and low emission future A2: business as usual and B2: global emission reduction from about 2035 on model runs of 17 global circulation models using the above emission scenarios (done for IPCC, AR4) downscaling of global model runs for the Hyderabad area degree of certainty is assessed by consensus amongst the model runs weighting: ability of a model to reproduce the present climate is considered in final projection results Lüdeke, MKB; Budde, M; Kit, O; Reckien, D Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, September 2010
Climate Change projections and their uncertainty for Hyderabad Lüdeke, MKB; Budde, M; Kit, O; Reckien, D Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, September 2010
Climate Change projections and their uncertainty for Hyderabad Lüdeke, MKB; Budde, M; Kit, O; Reckien, D Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, September 2010
50% impact reduction under the Low Emission scenario Stormwater drainage infrastructure in Hyderabad under Climate Change: People affected by extreme precipitation events (ceteris paribus) Extreme Daily Precipitation in Hyderabad once-in-2-years percentile Lüdeke et al, 2010 Locations of Critical Flow Accumulation 50% B1 A2 B1 A2 2000 2050 2100 all IPCC-AR4 runs Increase of people severely affected B1 A2 Kit et al. 2011 50% impact reduction under the Low Emission scenario Lüdeke/Reckien/Kit/Sterzel/Budde/Bahrenhoff/Schärf et al.
Which Hyderabad will be hit by future climate change? Values in % of the actual population. District level household survey, IIPS ->> Fraction of slum population Hyderabad grows/will grow =>> the percentage of the most vulnerable population group will grow Lüdeke/Reckien/Kit/Sterzel/Budde/Bahrenhoff/Schärf et al.
SLI-Definition Source of drinking water: 3 for Tap (own), 2 for Tap (shared), 1 for hand pump and well, and 0 for other; Type of house: 4 for pucca, 2 for semi-pucca, and 0 for kachcha; Source of lighting: 2 for electricity, 1 for kerosene, and 0 for other; Fuel for cooking: 2 for LPG gas/electricity, 1 for kerosene and 0 for other; Toilet facility: 4 for own flush toilet, 2 for own pit toilet, 2 for shared toilet and 0 for no toilet; Ownership of durables: 4 each for car and tractor, 3 each for television, telephone and motorcycle/ scooter, and 2 each for fan, radio/transistor, sewing machine and bicycle. The scores when totaled may vary from a lowest of 0 to a maximum of 40. On the basis of total score, households are divided into three categories: a) Low – if the total score is less than or equal to 9, b) Medium – if the total score is greater than 9 but less than or equal to 19 and c) High – if the total score is greater than 19. From: Reproductive and Child Health District Level Household Survey (DLHS-2) 2002-04 India Suggested citation: International Institute for population Sciences (IIPS), 2006. District Level Household Survey (DLHS-2), 2002-04: India. Mumbai: IIPS. National_Report_RCH-II-1.pdf Lüdeke/Reckien/Kit/Sterzel/Budde/Bahrenhoff/Schärf et al.
Sattelite based slum identification in Hyderabad Kit/Lüdeke/Reckien, Appl. Geogr., acc. Lüdeke/Reckien/Kit/Sterzel/Budde/Bahrenhoff/Schärf et al.
Hotspots of vulnerability under extreme precipitation events in Hyderabad Lüdeke/Reckien/Kit/Sterzel/Budde/Bahrenhof/Schärf et al.
„CATHY“ planning tool incooperation with HMDA
„CATHY“ planning tool incooperation with HMDA
THANK YOU Lüdeke/Reckien/Kit/Sterzel/Budde/Bahrenhoff/Schärf et al.
Climate and Energy in a Complex Transition Process towards Sustainability in Hyderabad - Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies by Changing Institutions, Governance Structures, Lifestyles and Consumption Patterns PIK contribution: Sustainable Adaptation to and Mitigation of CC with respect to Lifestyles and Consumption Patterns WP1: Potential Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Objectives: Identification of expected regional CC signals Identification of qualitative impact nets of signals on mentioned sectors Quantitative modelling with “CATHY-Climate Assessment Tool for Hyderabad” for the regional planning authority, GIS-based online tool Identification of potential adaptation options with respect to the expected impacts WP2.1: Knowledge and Concepts on Mitigation and Adaptation in Lifestyles, Consumption and Health Objectives: Political, social and technological framework, e.g. stakeholder analysis, perception of climate change Conditions of energy & other emission sources Conducting “socio-technical experiments” to support mitigation of CC in low & middle class households Identification of potential adaptation options not interfering with mitigation potentials
Some results: Examples of qualitative impact nets: … towards an understanding of CC adaptation and mitigation impacts Impact nets as a tool to communicate Results of CC, to raise awareness, and to evaluate adaptation measures
Examples of qualitative impact nets : … towards an understanding of CC adaptation and mitigation impacts Emission pathways as a tool to communicate CC, to raise awareness, and to evaluate mitigation options