Bellringer—Answer the questions below and EXPAIN your answers using evidence from the text whenever possible. 3. What every day electronic item can we compare the birds that Juliet hears after her night with Romeo? a) alarm clock b) hair dryer c) can opener d) pencil sharpener 4. What does Lord Capulet threaten to do if Juliet does not agree to marry Paris? a) disown her b) kill her c) beat her d) none of the above Which of the following events that occur in Act III would be considered a turning point for the play? a) Mercutio’s death b) Romeo killing Tybalt c) Romeo’s banishment How does the turning point of the play effect the mood of the play after the above event(s) occur? a) the mood is lighter, more happy b) the mood is dark and sad c) the mood is now adventurous and exciting d) none of the above
Romeo & Juliet Act IV
I Can… Assess how conflicts advance a plot. 9-10.RL.KID.3 Analyze how complex characters, events, and ideas develop and interact over the course of a text to impact meaning. Assess how conflicts advance a plot. 9-10.W.RW.10 Write routinely over extended time frames and shorter time frames for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences. Cite textual evidence to support a claim.
Who wants to volunteer to summarize the friar’s most recent plan? Let’s Review Who wants to volunteer to summarize the friar’s most recent plan? When the characters in Romeo and Juliet face challenges, who is the person who continues to help them problem solve? Why do you think they trust Friar Lawrence?
You will have a study guide to complete over the course of the next 2 days as we study Act 4 of Romeo and Juliet. Your job will be to multitask and listen while you work! You have to think about how YOU process information best. Should you listen and THEN answer, or should you answer AS you listen? The choice is yours! Hand out study guides to students before moving to the next slide. As you listen…
Let’s take a listen watch?v=12dW6BmeJkM The entire act is just over 29 minutes. Stop to discuss if you see students getting confused; otherwise, listen to the audio straight through. watch?v=12dW6BmeJkM
Let’s Summarize
EXTRA CREDIT: Analyzing a Visual Depiction of Act III Scene iii View Where’s Romeo? By William Hatharell. Use your analysis of this piece of artwork to complete the activities on pages 135-136 of your purple guidebooks. These pages should be turned in at the beginning of class Friday.