Curriculum Night Welcome 1B parents!
About me: Nicole Fleury Howell, M.Ed.
Math Solving Addition and Subtraction Problems and Equations Addition and Subtraction Facts to 20 Represent and Interpret Data Extending the Counting Sequence Place Value Comparing two digit numbers Models Measurement Time Shapes and attributes
Reading and Writing Fluency Story Elements Comprehension Phonics More complete sentences with correct spelling and details. Different types of writing
Religion Basic prayers Mass (later in the year) Understanding holidays and traditions Bible and other forms of prayer
Science and Social Studies Scientific Process Motion and Balance Insect unit STEM Lessons Communities (Around the world) & Traditions * Alternates*
Classroom Management Table Groups & Sticker Treasure box Bucket Fillers Thinking about others 10 “warm fuzzies” in student buckets Class kindness “scout badges” Individual Charts or behavior plans (when needed)
Allergies Please have your children bring a substitute treat for special events / birthdays No sharing Please contact me for concerns or questions
Absences Please contact me as well as the office to notify if the student will be gone for vacation or long absences. * Homework or missed assignments will be given depending on circumstances*
Homework Given Friday and returned the following Friday Each Weekday One sheet of literacy or math 20 Min Reading Review Spelling Words