Further ways to improve EHIS Agenda item 4.1 Jakub Hrkal ESTAT Unit F-4 6-7 July 2017 EHIS Task Force
Review of current EHIS sub-modules Physical activity: simplify, include slow walking/cycling, focus on sport, moderate & vigorous PA split (, sedentary behaviour) → co-operation with DG EAC Alcohol consumption: reduction of answer categories / beverage-specific approach → [How to progress?] Mental health: positive aspects of mental health → Proposals to be tested voluntarily in EHIS 2019 [+ need to develop a new instrument?] Income: high non-response → propose and harmonise imputation methods (LT & UK paper) + wait for development of standardised current income variable Unmet needs: validation missing, extend scope → cognitive testing done in 2017 but more work coordinated with SILC needed 6-7 July 2017 EHIS Task Force
Implementation of EHIS Harmonisation of national language versions of EHIS questionnaire: database of national questionnaires and quality reports → [evaluation and discussion of national translations (who and how?)] → to start with 'recommended' translations of MEHM in all EU official languages/countries] Impact of data collection mode: currently being evaluated for proxy and mode of data collection for EHIS wave 2 → [Development and possible testing of EHIS questionnaire for different modes of data collections] Seasonality of EHIS estimates → [currently being evaluated → What next?] Use of administrative registers → [What and how to do?] 6-7 July 2017 EHIS Task Force
Robustness of health indicators Assessment of the impact of changing GALI and proposing and illustrating methods for revision of time series: quantitative study [in more languages and in SILC and EHIS] Calibration of indicators based on GALI/MEHM: identification of current deficiencies (cultural bias) and proposing and testing methods to deal with them Pooling EHIS and SILC data: reviewing methods proposed in a study conducted in 2013-2014 and illustrating them on EHIS wave 2 data 6-7 July 2017 EHIS Task Force
Discussion For the proposed tasks: Any other tasks for consideration? Priorities Timing Methods Participants/involvement of stakeholders Any other tasks for consideration? 6-7 July 2017 EHIS Task Force