Scripture Focus: Hebrews 3:1-14 The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 6. THE BETTER LEADER Scripture Focus: Hebrews 3:1-14
Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts. The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 6. THE BETTER LEADER The Word to Live By: Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts. Hebrews 3:7b-8a
to be part of the household over which The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 6. THE BETTER LEADER Session Truth: If we would continue to be part of the household over which Christ our Pioneer faithfully rules, we, too, must be faithful.
What is your weakest link? The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 6. THE BETTER LEADER What is your weakest link?
How does the writer describe the readers? The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 6. THE BETTER LEADER How does the writer describe the readers? How is Jesus described?
Jesus and Moses: what do they have in common? The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 6. THE BETTER LEADER Jesus and Moses: what do they have in common? How are they different?
Does the difference matter to Christians today? The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 6. THE BETTER LEADER What does the difference between Jesus and Moses indicate? Does the difference matter to Christians today?
How did the Israelites demonstrate a lack of faith in God? The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 6. THE BETTER LEADER How did the Israelites demonstrate a lack of faith in God? What did their lack of faith do to their hearts?
What does it mean to have a hard heart? The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 6. THE BETTER LEADER What does it mean to have a hard heart? What did their lack of faith do to their hearts?
What are we to do “Today”? The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 6. THE BETTER LEADER What are we to do “Today”? How do we keep our faith strong?
How’s your heart condition? The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 6. THE BETTER LEADER How’s your heart condition? What does a hard heart look like? Does God harden hearts? What is the cure for a hard heart? Can a heart get so hard it will never hear God’s call again?
(The Spiritual Coronary Care Unit) The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 6. THE BETTER LEADER WELCOME TO THE SCCU (The Spiritual Coronary Care Unit) How can we prevent a hard heart? How can we educate others about the danger of a hard heart? What is the opposite of a hard heart?
What are the privileges of being part of God’s household? The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 6. THE BETTER LEADER What are the privileges of being part of God’s household? What are the responsibilities?
Can a God of love become angry? The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 6. THE BETTER LEADER Can a God of love become angry? What makes Him angry? Should Christians fear God’s wrath?
in the center of Your will. The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 6. THE BETTER LEADER The Center of His Will Prayer Lord, I long to live in the center of Your will. Show me what is right, and enable me to do it.
Give me a right perspective The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 6. THE BETTER LEADER The Center of His Will Prayer Give me a right perspective on life, and teach me to care about the things that matter to You.
and let me give myself faithfully in Christlike ministry to others. The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 6. THE BETTER LEADER The Center of His Will Prayer Empower me for service, and let me give myself faithfully in Christlike ministry to others. I pray in Christ’s strong name. Amen.