Welcome To Back to School Night Gifted Education


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome To Back to School Night Gifted Education Mrs. Elise Weinstein eweinstein@crsd.org

The Council Rock Gifted Program The goals for the Gifted program are: to encourage higher level thinking skills, enhance creativity, promote positive attitudes toward self and others, and broaden learning experiences beyond those in the regular classroom setting.

As a team, we will work together to give your child the tools to succeed. We will formally meet for our GIEP conference, not during regular conference days in November. HOWEVER, I am always available for a meeting if need be. Please e-mail me with any questions, concerns, or updates about your child at any time.

Hey, Humanities Students! Take responsibility for your own learning. Do it for… YOU! Ask Questions Try something you’ve never done before.

Organization and Planning Binder, folders, notebooks, Assignment book No homeless papers. Write it down. Ask questions.

Manage Plan out how you will attack a project. *Know your schedule. *Break down the assignment into smaller chunks. *Write exactly what you will do each night on your calendar. *Plans change… just alter your calendar. *Check-ins and questions along the way

Our Learning Notebook Grades 4,5,6 Right Side TEACHER INPUT Left Side Class notes Handouts Readings Directions for projects or activities Study Guides Each assignment will have one of these headings: WOW (Words of Wisdom) – Notes from class discussions, vocabulary, info. for tests V & R (Videos and Readings) Notes from videos or assigned readings. HO (Handouts) - Notes, Study Guides, Directions Left Side STUDENT OUTPUT Homework Creative connections Personal reactions Each assignment will have one of these headings: WIO (Work it Out) – Homework assignments and putting new ideas into your own words. RAP (Review and Preview) – Reflections or opinions HIS (Here I Stand) – State personal positions that you have read about in text or other readings.

Our Learning Notebook TIME OUT Notebook Extras: A one-page independent activity Our Learning Notebook Notebook Assessment: TIME OUT Find a related news article or political cartoon and glue onto the page. Include a paragraph summary AND a paragraph of a personal reaction to the article. EXPAND YOUR LEARNING Find out more about a topic discussed in class. Research some additional findings AND write a personal response to what you found. CREATIVE TITLE PAGE Colorful illustrations and factual content that reflect the main ideas presented in the unit. YOUR CHOICE! Graded at the end of each marking period. Table of Contents Pages dated and numbered Work completed to the best of your ability

Please communicate if homework is causing any concern. District policy - 10 min. x grade level Weekly - Posted on our web page as a guide. Daily - Homework Assignment Book. Missed Assignments: *Sign and turn in the assignment the following day. *More than one day missed: “OOPS Slip” sent home. Please communicate if homework is causing any concern. Forgetful Fred

Online Report Card Grades 3,4,5,6: The Social Studies grade on the report card will come from me. Please have your child read their report card.

We cover the same curriculum while compacting and enriching. Grade 3 Humanities Third graders come to Humanities when their regular class is learning Social Studies; 2:45-3:30 pm. We cover the same curriculum while compacting and enriching. Geography Unit: What is Social Studies? Communities

Grade 4 Social Studies Geography Current Events Pennsylvania History Regions of the United States *Lots of fun projects and simulations! *Novel study to enrich the curriculum

Grade 5 *U.S. Geography *Explorers *Colonial America *Current Events Special to Humanities: *Archaeology Trip to Honey Hollow Dig Site- Oct. 5th Research and Museum *Law and Government: Mock Trial *Novels

Grade 6 Social Studies Curriculum: *World Geography *Early Humans/ Sumer and Mesopotamia *Ancient Egypt *Ancient India Special to Humanities: *Novel Study *Trip to see a Chinese dance performance *Special Surprise Spring Trip *CNN Student News

Earn extra credit on tests! Weinstein’s Wise Study Tips “The more senses you involve while studying, the more information will be retained.” -Mrs. E. Weinstein Read Write Say Act Type Listen *Plan it out… Use a calendar. *Pretest yourself… Don’t spend time studying what you already know. *Space it out… Give yourself a few days to study for a test. *Change it up… Do something different *Imagine you’ll be teaching someone else *Study to LEARN, not to know Studying can be fun! Earn extra credit on tests!

Never walk out the door with a question.

Please fill out: “On a Personal Note” Parents… Students in grades 5 and 6 are invited to attend the G.I.E.P. conference. If you are interested in sharing your special talent with our class, please indicate on your “Personal Note” form.