Apocryphal-of doubtful authenticity ə/päkrəfəl/ adjective These guys are made up characters. They are not real. apoc·ry·phal·ness noun Someone made up an apocryphal story about the president’s childhood.
Temerity (NOUN)-boldness She had the temerity to ask my boyfriend if she could go out with him should he and I ever break up. Good way to remember: Temerity sounds like timid but it’s actually the opposite—boldness and brave.
Imminent (ADJ)-threatening to occur We are in imminent danger of the thunderstorm coming this afternoon. Good way to remember- Imminent sounds like immediately which means it’s going to happen. These patients are facing imminent death.
Mordant(ADJ)-bitterly sarcastic A mordant review of the movie that compared it to having one's teeth pulled for two hours.
Elocution (NOUN)-the art of public speaking the oft-told story that he practiced elocution by learning to speak with a mouth full of pebbles. Good way to remember-Elocution sounds like eloquent which has a similar meaning.
Exorbitant-excessive <the cost of our stay was so exorbitant you would have thought that we had bought the hotel and not just spent a few nights there> Good way to remember-excessive and exorbitant sound similar.
Arcane (ADJ)-understood only by a few grammatical rules that seem arcane to generations of students who were never taught grammar in the first place.
Apropos (Adverb)-relevant I went up to New York last weekend; apropos, have you seen your New York cousins lately? Good way to remember- French à propos, literally, to the purpose
Incisive (Adj)-intellectually keen She's known for her incisive mind and quick wit.
Diatribe (Noun)-bitter speech a bitter diatribe about how unfair the tax system is