Developing Crisis – Civil War – Reconstruction Quiz topics
Developing Crisis Missouri Compromise (1820) Compromise of 1850 Fugitive Slave Law Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) Kansas – Nebraska Act (1854) Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857) John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry (1859) Presidential Election of 1860
Civil War - Advantages & Strategies of the North and South - Fort Sumter - Stonewall Jackson and Bull Run - Battle of Antietam - Emancipation Proclamation - 54th Massachusetts - Clara Barton - Battle of Vicksburg - Battle of Gettysburg - Sherman’s March to the Sea - Appomattox Court House
Reconstruction Reconstruction Era Refers to the time period after the Civil War and the admission of Southern states back into the Union Freedmen’s Bureau This was established by Congress to help former slaves with food, clothing and medical care Black Codes Southern states passed these to regulate freedmen’s lives. It was illegal for freedmen to hold public office or serve on juries. Any freedman found without a job could be jailed. 13th Amendment Abolished slavery in the United States 14th Amendment Granted citizenship to all freedmen / former slaves
15th Amendment Granted voting rights to former male slaves Hiram Rhodes Revels The first African – American to serve in the U.S. Senate - from Mississippi. Sharecropping System Replaced slavery in the south. Former plantation owners provide livestock, tools and land to freedmen in exchange for a share of the crops grown. Some freedmen paid rent to use the land. Homestead Act To encourage economic growth and expansion in the West, Congress passed this Act which gave any citizen 160 acres of government land if they build a home and raised crops for 5 years. Morrill The federal government gave each state land to sell in order to fund public colleges Dawes Out west tribal lands were divided among the members of the tribe. Each Native American family was given 160 acres of farmland. Any extra was sold to the whites.