23.5-The Congress of Vienna
Congress of Vienna European leaders were looking to establish peace and stability on continent after defeat of Napoleon Series of meetings in Vienna to achieve this goal Meant to last four weeks- instead 8 months
Metternich’s Plan for Europe Most arrangements made in secret by 5 “great powers”- Russia, Prussia, Austria, Britain, and France Most influential foreign minister of Austria-Klemens von Metternich Distrusted democracy-saw Napoleon’s actions resulting from problems with democracy Get back to stable Europe
Containment of France Austrian Netherlands and Dutch Republic united for form Kingdom of Netherlands 39 German states unified for German Confederation Switzerland recognized as independent All done to make weak countries around France stronger and prevent them from trying to dominate weaker nations
Balance of Power Although wanted to weaken France-did not want to leave it powerless If severely punished them-might try to take revenge If broke France up-another country may become too powerful France still big power but weakened No country in Europe easily overpower another
Legitimacy Affirmed principle of legitimacy- restoring old rulers of Europe back to Europe Belief of return of former monarchs would stabilize relations in Europe Congress of Vienna success in bringing countries together to fix issues Created a time of peace in Europe-not another war for another 50 years in Europe
Conservative Europe Congress victory for conservatives- kings and princes returned to power Rulers fearful of legacy of French Revolution inspiring revolutions elsewhere Russia, Austria, and Prussia signed Holy Alliance-pledge to base relations with other nations on Christianity to fight the Revolution Concert of Europe ensured nations would help one another if revolutions broke out
Spirit of Revolution Governments held firm but could not fully contain ideas from the Revolution France deeply divided between conservatives happy with Louis XVIII and liberals who wanted more power to legislature Set political ideas of democracy, freedom, equality, etc. in motion
Long-Term Legacy Revolution broke out in Brazil, Mexico, and Latin America Diminished the size and power of France Nationalism (patriotism) spread- would break out in later revolutions in 1800s Ideas about power and authority permanently changed People began to see democracy as best way to ensure equality and justice