Legislative Action to ”Create Path to Incorporation” Clarify Authority to Incorporate as a General Law City Empower the New City to Assume All Assets and Liabilities of TWT Clarify Powers of TWT to Dissolve Itself Attempt to Preserve Current Revenue Streams and Authorities Empower the New City to Administer & Enforce Covenants Path to Becoming a City Timeframe To Achieve—12-18 Months ? Election to Approve General & Other Sales Taxes/Adopt Hotel Tax Ordinance (Nov Uniform Election Date?) Timeframe to Achieve-- 2017-2023 ?? Inventory Roads and Develop Cost to Maintain (2017) Form Charter Commission (Elect or Appoint Members?) Efforts Successful ? Adopt City Budget/ Property Tax Rate (Oct 1) Develop Financial Strategy & Cost Projections 18-24 Months ? Develop Home Rule Charter YES Merge Township into New City Timeframe To Achieve Support ?? Educate Voters Educate Voters Elect City Governing Body Mayor + 5 Aldermen (May Uniform Election Date?) Voter Support Voter Support YES YES Election to Form a “General Law City” (Nov Uniform Election Date?) Election to Adopt Charter & Home Rule Government (Nov Uniform Election Date?) YES NO Wait 3 Years & Repeat Process 24 to 36 Months After Incorporation?