Mitosis & Asexual Reproduction Topic 15
Cell Theory Smallest unit of life Cells work together All cells come from pre-existing cells
Cell Division Make new cells Growth & repair All body cells EXCEPT sex cells Process: MITOSIS
Cancer Abnormal mitosis Uncontrolled cell division
DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid Genetic code Instructions for building an organism
How DNA is Packaged- Dolan DNA Learning Center dna-is-packaged-basic.html
Chromatin Uncoiled DNA Before mitosis – during interphase
Chromosome 2 copies of DNA – double stranded Shape- X
Chromatid & Centromere Chromatid- 1 side of chromosome Centromere- center, joins 2 chromatids together
Stages of Cell Division Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase
Interphase Resting phase DNA is uncoiled- chromatin DNA replicates Cell grows
Prophase Chromosomes form Centrioles move to opposite poles Spindle fibers form Nuclear membrane disappears
Metaphase Centromeres line up in middle Spindle fibers attach to centromeres
Anaphase Sister chromatids move to opposite poles
Telophase At each pole chromosomes uncoil Nuclear membrane forms around each set
Cytokinesis Separates to make 2 daughter cells In animal cells: cleavage- cytoplasm pinches in and separates In plant cells: cell plate- forms new cell wall between 2 cells
Animal Plant
Difference Between Animal & Plant Cells Centrioles Cleavage PLANT No Centrioles Cell Plate 1-9QB0
Results of Mitosis 2 identical cells Same number of chromosomes Exact same DNA as parent cell
Asexual Reproduction Only one parent By the process of MITOSIS Let’s see which organisms reproduce this way….
Binary Fission Parent organism divides in 2 Equal division of cytoplasm Paramecium Ameba
E Coli bacteria growth _7a814&NR=1
Budding Unequal division of cytoplasm Bud has same number of chromosomes as parent cell Hydra Yeast
Budding in Hydra jGqjyo
Regeneration Grow a new organism from a piece of another Regrow body parts Can be done because these cell are undifferentiated (not specialized)
Regeneration Planaria Earthworm Seastar
Seastar Regeneration WxxfD4&NR=1&feature=fvwp
Sporulation Multicellular organisms Spores released Grow into new organism Bread Mold
Vegetative Propagation Asexual reproduction in plants New plants will develop from roots, stems, and leaves of parent plant
Bulbs Enlarged underground stem Examples: Tulips, onions, garlic
Tuber Enlarged underground stem with buds (eyes) Example: potato
Runner Stem runs along ground New plants form Example: strawberry
Rhizome “mass of roots” Example: ginger
Cutting Stem or leaf is placed in ground New plant grows Example: geranium
Grafting Stem of one plant attached to cut end of another No blending
Layering Stems form roots where it touches soil
Results of Asexual Reproduction Offspring are genetically identical to parent Same DNA Same number of chromosomes Same characteristics
Cloning Artificial way to make an identical genetic copy Sheep, pigs, cats…
Steps of Cloning Take a parent cell nucleus & remove it Take an egg cell from a female and remove the nucleus Take the nucleus from the parent cell and put it into the egg cell Implant the egg cell into a female for development
Microdissection tools are used to remove nucleus from the cells
1. What happens to the nuclear membrane during prophase? 2. During which phase does DNA replicate? 3. Explain why anaphase is significant. 4. Describe the differences between mitosis in plant and animal cells.