Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment & Future Consent Application 6 Circle Street Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment & Future Consent Application
Planning Proposal The proponent has applied for a Zoning By-law amendment in order to facilitate a future consent application. The Rezoning would recognize a change to the lot frontage, lot depth and lot area that will change as a result of the future subdivision of the lot by consent. The Rezoning would also recognize a reduced front yard setback for Part 1 – the new lot that would be created. The proposed new lot is considered an infill lot and is consistent with Provincial, Regional and Town policy.
Planning Process The application for rezoning was first submitted on June 21. Additional information was requested by the Town and the application was revised accordingly and resubmitted on August 13. The application was signed and commissioned at that time and deemed complete and then circulated to commenting agencies. All comments have now been received and there have been no objections.
Compatibility A key component in assessing a proposal for severance is compatibility with the surrounding neighbourhood. Compatibility is normally determined by: comparing the proposed lot size to others in the surrounding neighbourhood. The scale and massing of the proposed new home compared to neighbouring properties. The architectural style of the proposed new dwelling. And its contribution to the streetscape.
Existing Lot The existing lot is considered to be oversized at 9100 sf - comparable to a 90 f x 100 f lot and is well suited to for an infill lot. The existing house on the lot has a footprint of 735 sf with a lot coverage of only 8%. The ER2 zoning permits a lot coverage of 40%. The Town’s by-law does not prescribe a minimum lot size, frontage, area or depth in the ER2 Zone. A lot of 9100 sf at 40% lot coverage can accommodate a 2-storey house with a footprint of 3640 sf
Survey Plan
Compatibility Comparison If approved, the lot would be subdivided into a 5350 sf lot – Part 2 – that would contain the existing house, increasing lot coverage from 8% to 14% - where a the zoning permits a 40% lot coverage. The new lot to be created would be 3750 sf – Part 1 - with a lot coverage of 29% - still well below the 40% permitted. The new dwelling has a footprint of 900 sf (1655 ft on two floors) and a height of 27 f where the by-law permits 28 f. The house is modest in scale and massing in comparison to surrounding homes.
Architectural Rendering
Neighbouring Properties The Chatauqua neighbourhood is characterized by smaller homes on smaller lots especially on Circle Street and on adjacent streets due to the spoke configuration of the street pattern. Homes in the neighbourhood consist of both bungalows and two-storey homes with a variety of architectural styles. Setbacks to property lines often do not conform to the ER2 zoning especially front yard setbacks – some of which abut the front property line and others at varying setbacks from 3m to 7.5m. There are at least 10 homes with reduced front yard setbacks on Circle Street. The architectural style of the new home has been designed to reflect the history of the area and the cottage-style homes that are typical in the Chatauqua neighbourhood.
Chautauqua Neighbourhood
Circle Street - South Side
Trees There has been concern expressed by a neighbor and more recently voiced by that neighbor in the local newspaper regarding the trees on the property. An arborist report was prepared by a certified and licensed professional arborist as requested by the Town at the Pre Consultation meeting The report provides an inventory of trees on and adjacent to the property. It assesses the species, caliper, state of health and makes recommendations to maintain its health and to protect it during the construction phase of development.
Trees cont’d All trees on or adjacent to the subject property will be preserved with the exception of one that must be removed to accommodate the construction of the new dwelling. On a recent site visit this tree has been deemed dead by the Town’s Parks Superintendent. The tree of particular concern according to correspondence received - tree #9 - is on Town property and will be preserved. It is in poor condition according to the arborist and will be pruned and hoarded for protection during construction. The Parks Superintendent is in agreement with this strategy. The arborist report has been reviewed by the Town’s Parks Superintendent who is agreement with all its findings.
Arborist Report There have been allegations that the Arborist Report has been tampered with and misused. The arborist report was a requirement by the Town to support the Zoning amendment application. The arborist uses the plan of survey to superimpose the existing trees in relation to other buildings and structures on the property. In July, in consultation with Planning Staff, the parking configuration on Part 2 was revised, moving the 2 existing parking spaces to the east side of the lot in order to mitigate potential impacts on the mature maple in front of the house. The arborist inserted the revised site plan into her report at the request of the Town.
Arborist Site Plan - Original
Arborist Site Plan – Revised Parking