By Andres, Gavin, Michael, Andrew, and Bilali Summerfest By Andres, Gavin, Michael, Andrew, and Bilali
Personal Selling Who : Andrew Hernandez What : Handing out Flyers, merchandise Where: Pearland High School Why: To spread news of the event with merchandise for it as well When: Whole month of May How: Have Booths set up during the lunch periods on both Searcy and PHS Cafes.
Advertising Who – Gavin Moralez What – Using video ads Where – Pearland High School Why – To let people know the details of the event When – Whole month of May How – Oiler Vision
Direct Marketing Who* Michael mousa What* directed to young people Where* Pearland high school Why* to promote to mostly young teenagers. When* whole month of may How* oiler vision
Sales Promotion Who Andres bernal What sales promotion Where Pearland high school When the whole month of May Why to give more info and what to expect at the event How fliers and announcments
Public Relations Who// Bilal Elchayeb What// Public Relations Where// Pearland High School Why// To create a positive image of the event When// Whole month of May How// Local Newspapers