Fostering Cooperation between NREMs and transit and source Countries State and Non-State Actors in destination, transit and source Countries
Federal Public Admnistration State of México Legislature Chamber of Senators Chamber of Deputies Judiciary Executive Federal Public Admnistration Supreme Court
Intersecretarial Commission on Trafficking in Persons Secretariat of the Interior Communications and Transportation Foreign Affairs Labor and Social Security Health Social development Public Education Tourism Office of the General Prosecutor National System for Integral Family Development Attention to Victims Executive Committee National Institute of Migration National Institute for Women National Institute of Criminal Science Congress of México Judiciary Power of the Federation National Governors Conference Municipalities Organizations National Human Rights Commission State Human Rights Commissions National Council of Public Security National Population Commission National Conference of Attorneys Civil Society Academic Experts Trafficking in Persons Combat General Law on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Crimes of Trafficking in Persons and for the Protection and Assistance to Victims of these Crimes
Commission on Trafficking in Persons Results Preparation and publication of its Internal Regulation Publication of the Guidelines for the Surveillance and Monitoring of Classified Ads Consultive Subcommission Setting-up Incorporation of the Civil Society Organizations and Academic Experts incorporation to the Intersecretarial Commission National Program for Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Crimes of Trafficking in Persons and for the Protection and Assistance to Victims of these Crimes 2013 Intersecretarial Commission Activities Report Making of the Intersecretarial Commission Website Conformation of 9 Specialized on Trafficking in Persons Working Groups of the Intersecretarial Commission
National Program against Trafficking in Persons 2014 - 2018 Crime prevention of Trafficking in Persons National Program against Trafficking in Persons 2014 - 2018 Diagnostic Objectives 4 Strategies 16 Action Guidelines 79 Alignment to National Goals Indicators Care, protection and assistance to victims Administration of justice, investigation and prosecution of crimes Accountability and access to information
SURVEILLANCE AND MONITORING MEXICAN INSTANCES ON TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS Citizens Observatory against Trafficking in Persons It was created back in 2009, it´s mission is the coordination, transparency and responsibility with the institutions and civil society organizations. Regional Committees Against Trafficking in Persons (2007) The National Human Rights Commission cooperates with the NGO’s Latin-American Observatory against Trafficking in Persons National and International Academic Experts and NGO’s Biannual Reunion with their Latin-American similars. By now 3 editions Argentina 2008 México 2010 Colombia 2013
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