Hidden Gems of SQL Server 2014


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Presentation transcript:

Hidden Gems of SQL Server 2014 Denis Reznik Data Architect at Intapp Microsoft Data Platform MVP

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About me Denis Reznik Kyiv, Ukraine Data Architect at Intapp Microsoft Data Platform MVP Co-Founder of Ukrainian Data Community Kyiv Co-author of “SQL Server MVP Deep Dives 2”

SQL Server 2014 Killer Features Hidden Features Updatable Columnstore Indexes Resource Governor for IO Backup Encryption Online Operations Improvements AllwaysOn Improvements Buffer Pool Extensions InMemory OLTP (Hekaton) Hidden Features Cardinality Estimation Improvements Query and Plan Fingerprints Delayed Durability sys.dm_exec_query_profiles TempDB Enhancements

Cardinality Estimation


Statistics SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Id BETWEEN 10 AND 5300 800 2000 2800 4500 5400

Cardinality Estimation DEMO Cardinality Estimation

Query and Plan Fingerprints

Query Processing Procedure Cache Parser Algebrizer Optimizer Executor

Query and Plan Fingerprints DEMO Query and Plan Fingerprints

Delayed Durability

Data Modification Buffer Pool Log Buffer Buffer Manager Access Methods Data Cache Log Manager Log Buffer Transaction Log Database File

DEMO Delayed Durability


sys.dm_exec_query_profiles DEMO sys.dm_exec_query_profiles

Tempdb Enhancements

DEMO Tempdb Enhancements

SUMMARY Cardinality Estimation Improvements Query and Plan Fingerprints Delayed Durability sys.dm_exec_query_profiles TempDB Enhancements

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Thank You! Denis Reznik @denisreznik denisreznik@live.ru