Ancient Americas Notes
The Americas - Maya Olmecs – oldest civilization, not on a river Mayas Yucatan peninsula Tikal – huge temples and city Each city had ruling chief Priests had highest power Most people were farmers – corn, cotton, squash Writing system, accurate time, 365 day calendar, zero 900 A.D. began to abandon cities, don’t know why
Aztec Civilization Late 1200s – Eagle on cactus with snake in beak Tenochtitlan – city in middle of lake Chinampas – floating gardens Conquered other tribes and demanded tribute Single ruler – royalty, blood letting Nobles, warriors, commoners Massive human sacrifice, used conquered people Calendar, surgery, schools Hernan Cortes destroyed in 1519
Early People of Peru Chavin Mochica Nazca Worshipped jaguar/man Lived high in the Andes Mochica Built roads, irrigation systems Beautiful pottery Nazca Glyphs – etched lines in the ground Lines, shapes – part of calendar?
The Inca Pachacuti – founder and first Sapa Inca 1438 In Cuzco, Sapa lived like god, Queen – Coya Quipu – knotted string collection for records 12,000 miles of road, runners for messages Only runners and army could use roads Farmed on terraces Best metal workers Had anesthesia and brain surgery Polytheistic, temples to gods Destroyed by Pizarro in 1533
North American Natives Crossed Bering Land Bridge, moved south Diverse cultures based on environment Arctic, Coastal, Plains, Woodlands, Southwest Iroquois League – 5 nations banded together Hitting peak when Europeans arrived