Richard Fairholme Transmission Workstream, 2nd October 2008 Modification Proposal 0219 – “Publication of GB Wholesale Gas Market Liquidity Data” Update Richard Fairholme Transmission Workstream, 2nd October 2008
Summary of changes from last Transmission Workstream Minor change to title of Mod – ‘UK’ replaced by ‘GB’. Updated references within Mod accordingly. Refined definition of source data for liquidity measure: - Total Matched Trades (measured in TWh) - Total Daily Input Nominations (measured in TWh) Additional data items added to Proposal: - The total number of matched trades - The total number of trading parties trading on the Day. Clarified that scope of liquidity data does not include OCM trades for the relevant Gas Day.
Summary of changes from last Transmission Workstream (2) Included Suggested Legal text to clarify which part of Code affected (TPD Section V, Annex V-1). Clarified that data published on the day will not be updated retrospectively where superior data received by National Grid. Format and presentation of data to be determined by National Grid, probably through an NCORM change – suggested format included for information, but not part of Proposal. Changed implementation date to 31/01/2009 to propose a more realistic implementation date (recognising probable need for NCORM change and associated one month User notice period).