A Study Of Solomons Greatest Hits Song of Songs 1.Spiritual vs Emotional vs Physical vs The Attraction: 1.Perfection vs Preparation vs Purity vs Dating Seasons: When relationships are right in your life, you are a success. -Solomon wrote this as 3rd king of Israel. -His dad David, wrote most of the psalms. -Written around 900bc these are the top of the pops out of songs. - The Songs of Songs are Spicy! 3 basic ground rules for reading Song of Songs: 1.Listen for yourself. 2. Jesus has a plan. 2. Full of symbolism. 3- Great Sex is: 1.Affirming vs Tender vs 5 3.Passionate vs 6 4.Secure vs Holy vs Winning arguments: 1.Freezer Toe (vs 4-8) 2.Settle your spirit (chapter 6:1) 3. Develop a pre-argument plan -I will think of 5 things I love about the person.
A Study Of Solomons Greatest Hits Song of Songs Chapter th Sept Attraction, 15 th Sept Dating, 29 th Sept Sex, 27 th Oct Arguing, 10 th Nov Covenant 17 th Nov Book of James Covenant 1. Covenant is 2. Covenant is 3. Covenant is Relationship Redefined Persevering Protective
A Study Of Solomons Greatest Hits Song of Songs But What about Same Sex Relationships? How is that fair, if I was born that way? If a person is a homosexual, can they be a Christian? How should I treat Homosexuals? Lev 18:22 & Romans 1: Corinthians 5: Corinthians 2:6-8