12/1 & 12/2 - 7th Grade Agenda Learning Objective: Learn about the Cell Cycle Collect Reading & Notetaking p.77 & 78 Discuss the Science Fair Project Textbook Reading: p.125-133 HW: Reading & Note Taking p.79 – 80 Reminder: Chap 4 Section 1 & 2 Formative Assessment on 12/3 & 12/4 Reminder: Science Fair Proposal due 12/15 & 12/16
Reflection Prompt: Write 3 facts that you know about photosynthesis or respiration. (Write in complete sentence)?
Science Fair Project
How do we grow? Does our cells get larger? Cell Division
Cell Cycle Interphase Prophase Cytokinesis Metaphase Telophase DNA Replicate Prophase Chromosomes pair up Cytokinesis Two cell are creates Metaphase line up in middle Telophase Chromosomes move far away Anaphase Chromosomes pull apart
Cell Cycle Interphase Cytokinesis Mitosis Two cell are creates DNA Replicate Cytokinesis Two cell are creates Mitosis Nucleus divide into two A copy of DNA is distributed to each Nucleus
Cell Cycle ? ? ? ? ? ? Interphase Prophase Cytokinesis Metaphase Telophase Anaphase ? ?
Interphase ob Stage 1: Interphase: Period before cell division occurs. Cell is doing its J___ while growing (doubles in size) Replicates (make a copy) its DNA ob
Mitosis : Prophase air up Prophase: Identical Chromatids p______. They are held together by a centromere air up
Mitosis : Metaphase iddle Metaphase: Chromosomes line up in the m______ iddle
Mitosis : Anaphase part Anaphase: The centromeres split and the chromosomes are pulled a______ part
Mitosis: Telophase ar Telophase: Each set of chromosomes are F___ away and a nucleus forms around them ar
Cytokinesis oves Cytokinesis The cell membrane m______ inwards then pinches in two. This form 2 identical cells oves
DNA – Deoxyribonucleic Acid Nitrogen Based Molecules (4 Letters of DNA Alphabet) Adenine – Thymine Guanine - Cytosine
Reflection Prompt: Draw the Elodea Plant Cell through the microscope and write one question that you have about the observation.