Human Reproduction
Sexual Reproduction testis ovary sperms eggs (ova) zygote embryo fetus meiosis meiosis sperms eggs (ova) fertilization zygote embryo fetus baby
Male Reproductive System What is a vasectomy? vas deferens (sperm duct) epididymis testis
Testes For production of male gametes (sperms) For production of male sex hormones
Epididymis For temporarily storage of sperms During copulation, muscles of epididymis contract to release sperms
Testis and epididymis epididymis vas deferens (sperm duct) sperm tubules
Male Reproductive System seminal vesicle secrete seminal fluid prostate gland Cowper’s gland
Functions of Seminal Fluid To provide a medium for the sperms to swim To activate and nourish the sperms To neutralize the acidity in the female reproductive tract Seminal Fluid Semen Sperm +
Male Reproductive System urethra penis
Female Reproductive System oviduct ovary uterus cervix vagina
Functions of Ovary For production of female gametes (ova/eggs) and production of female sex hormones
Oviduct Carries the ovum forward by Cick here the beating action of the cilia on its inner surface the contraction of muscles of oviduct Cick here
Menstrual Cycle Once in about 28 days The uterine lining becomes thickened 14 days after ovulation to prepare for the fertilized ovum to implant in it
Menstrual Cycle Day 28 Day 6 - 14 Day 14 - 28 Video on change in uterine lining Day 28 No implantation of fertilization ovum Uterine lining breaks down; menstruation starts Day 6 - 14 Lining becomes thicker with increased blood supply Day 14 : ovulation Day 1 - 5 Menstruation starts Uterine lining decreases in thickness to a minimum Day 14 - 28 Lining remains thick to ready for implantation of fertilized ovum
Hormones Hormone Male Female GnRH FSH/LH release from Ant. Pit FSH Spermatogenesis Follicle growth LH Testosterone Secretion Follicle release estrogen Estrogen 2nd sex characteristics Long Bone growth General anabolic effects Female sex drive Skin Hydration- Increase HDL
Hormones Progesterone: prepares uterus for pregnancy Testosterone: suppress LH and GnRH male 2nd characteristics Stimulate growth spurt increase bone and muscle growth libido and aggressiveness
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin promotes the maintenance of the corpus luteum during the beginning of pregnancy Progesterone secretion- maintains uterus Maybe morning sickness Can also be used clinically to induce ovualtion Can be found in blood and urine Pregnancy test Diet Use