Science and Reading in the content Area. Cover Slide – Include a Title for your Presentation and your name. The “official SCHEV” statement needs to be on the cover slide. Grace Kelly Funds for this project were provided by a grant from the federal Improving Teacher Quality State Grants (Title II, Part A) Professional Development Program administered by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia.
Teacher Information Churchland Academy Elementary School Grade 5th Science This is the place for background professional information about you --- while this slide is showing, you may tell about your teaching experience – years and grade levels.
SCHEV Project Participation Please list the various workshops and any conferences you attended as a SCHEV participant This is the place to talk about which workshops and conferences you attended as a SCHEV teacher. Mentors, this is the place to note that particular role.
Specific Strategies and Class Needs Just some examples of why You might have chosen A specific strategy Or lesson to try. My class had a hard time paying attention. My class had major behavioral issues. My class struggled with new vocabulary My class was very active and needed hands-on activities This is a transition slide – You are going from your overall SCHEV participation to a specific lesson/strategy you learned and implemented. Why did you chose this particular strategy to implement in your class. What was it about this strategy / lesson that made you think you needed to or wanted to do this. Remove the thought balloon and replace the example class descriptions with your own class description!
Word Bubbles and Science Give a Descriptive Name for your Lesson --- feel free to include any graphics or pictures you desire
Word Bubbles Objectives-The students will review the vocabulary for the science 5.5 SOL. P.A.R. – Dr. Morgan Reading to Learn in the content areas. Add bullet points as necessary for your objectives and SOLs
General Overview of Lesson You may need to add some slides at this point to tell about your lesson; Feel free to do so! Something hands-on at this point would be especially fun … ;-)
Lesson / Strategy Adaptions How did you adapt this lesson / strategy to your particular class? Did you simplify or make more challenging for a different grade level? Modifiy from one content area to another Etc. On this slide, please tell the specific things you did to make this work in your particular classroom setting, for your particular children, at your particular grade level, in your particular content area .
Student Response / Learning Outcomes How did your students respond to this lesson / strategy? Did you see an increase in achievement? Do you have any assessment data? Tell about the Learning Outcomes for your lesson. Please include not only specific assessment data, if you can, but also anecdotal student responses. Did your students enjoy the lesson? Did they use the strategy? Did the strategy seem to help?
Reflections Step back and think about your lesson objectively. What went well? What would you want to change next time? What would make it even better? How could you expand upon the lesson / strategy next year? Time for some honest reflection. Remember, the lesson doesn’t have to have gone perfectly to have been a good learning experience for the class or for you. Maybe what you really learned was that this lesson was not a good match for this class --- it’s good to know what doesn’t work as well as what does.
Overall Experience What do you feel you have gained from the overall experience of participating in the SCHEV Professional Development programs this year?
Mentors What did you gain as a Mentor? What do you believe your Mentees gained from your Mentoring? This slide is for mentors – unless those of you as mentees would like to say what you gained from the experience of having a Mentor.