Attention Activity: “The Paper and the Book”
Processing the Experience Why couldn’t the paper alone support the book? How did the rubber band help? The book represents weight or resistance. If the paper is like our bones or skeleton, how is the rubber band like our muscles? Why is it important to lift the weight? Why is it important to understand why a rule was made? How can applying self-discipline and keeping the laws and rules of your parents, society, and school strengthen you?
Choice Challenge Character Why do you need resistance to become stronger? 1 2 What is expected of you from? Parents: (rules) School: (rules) Society: (laws) Myself: (self-discipline) Why does this need to be your strongest muscle? 6 Choice What things get you into the most trouble? 3 Challenge Character What have you given up on? Why does giving up make you weak? “Easy” No resistance “Hard” A lot of resistance What are three things that you put most of your time and effort into? 1. 2. 3. 4 What are three new things you could do with your time that will make you stronger? 1. 2. 3. 5 Do any of these things give you Opportunity, Freedom, and Self-Respect? If YES keep lifting . . . If NO, create a new workout
Homework: Conclusion Activity
Questions or Problems?