Welcome to Mrs. Veley's Class Thank you for taking the time to assemble your binder by the first day of class. I hope this will allow you to know what is needed in your binder for your first day of school. I look forward to meeting you all very soon! Sincerely, Mrs. Veley
TMS Supply List Required supplies: *Drawstring backpack *3-inch Binder *TMS agenda *1- pkg. of 7 tab dividers *1-pkg. No. 2 pencils * Pens(red, blue, black) *Multi-color highlighters *pencil sharpener Pencil pouch 3-hole punched. *scissors & 4-glue sticks *Box of colored pencils *1- USB thumb drive *1-pkg. pencil top erasers * 2-pkg. notebook paper *2- comp. notebooks for RELA * Note cards 4x6 ruled *2-comp. notebooks for science * 2 pkg. manila paper 12x18 *1- comp. notebooks for math * 1 pkg. construction paper
TMS Supply List Classroom supplies to be dropped off in the amphitheater on the first day: *4- boxes of Kleenex *AAA Batteries (math) * Hand Sanitizer *Paper towels (science) *Post-it Notes *Dry Erase Markers *Bottle Elmer’s Glue *Construction paper * Pkg. of Manila Folder Files
What to put in your TMS Binder Please do not place ALL of your supplies in the binder. The power point that follows will let you know how many of each item to place in the binder without over filling your student’s binder and causing extra wear and tear on the binder.
TMS Binder Incentive Those students that have their binder completely assembled by the first day of class will receive an incentive. I will be asking them to help other students to correctly complete their binder. The first day of school is a hectic day. I would like more time with my students to get to know them so if this is done then we can spend more time on fun “getting to know you” activities.
Step 1 Please purchase a 3 inch-binder for your student. Do not get a binder that is smaller than 3 inches because all of the required supplies will not fit in a smaller binder.
Step 2 Place the Zipper Pencil Bag in binder first. The items that need to be in the pencil bag are as follows.
What goes in your zipper pouch? Step 3 Place the following in the bag: 3-eraser caps 1- Scissors 2-3 highlighters 1- glue stick 1- pencil sharpener 1- set of colored pencils 3- Pencils or 1-mechanical pencil (with refill lead) 3- pens (1-red, 1-blue, 1-black)
Place the 3-hole punch in the binder after the pencil bag. Step 4 Place the 3-hole punch in the binder after the pencil bag.
Step 5 Purchase a TMS agenda (sold at Panther Camp) This is a required planner for your student. This will be placed after the 3-hole paper punch
(we will demo the duct tape on the binding at school) Step 6 Place the composition books (1-RELA, 1-Science, 1- Math) in the binder next. You will need to use duct tape to adhere to the binder side of the composition books. Then 3-hole punch the tape and place in the binder. (we will demo the duct tape on the binding at school)
are not clear on any of the steps. Place the subject dividers in the binder after the composition books. Your student will write on the tabs the subject in the order of their schedule starting with their 1st period and ending with 7th period. The divider styles will vary and your student’s teacher will help them assemble their binder if they are not clear on any of the steps.
Step 8 Loose notebook filler paper will be placed in the binder after the subject dividers. Only place 20-30 pieces of paper at time. Please do not use all the paper from the package because the binder will be too full and this could cause the binder extra wear and tear and it might make the binder break if it is too full.