Periodic Table and Bonding
Periodic Table Instructions Open textbook to page 134 (periodic table) 2. Use pencil Fill in the element names under the element symbols Fill in the atomic numbers above the element symbol Fill in the atomic mass under the element symbol Write the symbol for Solid, Liquid or Gas in the top right corner of each element entry to indicate which state of matter that element is found Fill in the proton (p) and electron (e) number (notebook notes) Fill in the neutron (n) number using “periodic squares” worksheet from today. Create Bohr Atomic Structure and Lewis Dot Diagram Using pg 134 fill in the Group and Period numbers Create a key and color groups pgs 135 in TIMETRACKER, in textbook pages 134, 140-141 and 153-154 USE ALL OF THE PAGE NUMBERS (several of the boxes will not be colored any color)
2nd phase of instructions