Delivering the Speech Points to Consider
Memorization Do not try to memorize word for word Instead, create a visual memory
The Method of Loci or the Memory Palace The method of loci is a method of memory enhancement which uses visualizations with the use of spatial memory, familiar information about one's environment, to quickly and efficiently recall information. The method of loci is also known as the memory journey, memory palace, or mind palace technique. Developed in 5th century for a way of remembering Visualization
Mind Map
Examples of Mind Palace Technique Mind Palace Example You Tube
Delivery Eye contact with your audience and camera Hands and gestures accent the speech No ums and ahs and no fading out at the end of a sentence
Tips Speech is a performance for the audience Dress the part Visual aids to augment data—make sure they are readable Rehearse Use a conversational tone Admit, if you need to, to being nervous Eye contact Voice is audible, clear and distinct Vary your cadence (pace and intonation) Posture is straight—no slouching Topic is interesting—you actually care about it Never have your back to the audience Never read your speech
Delivery Tips for Delivering your Speech
Speech Anxiety Overcoming Anxiety
Good Luck