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Matt Harvey, Chief Officer, Liverpool LPC Quality Payments Matt Harvey, Chief Officer, Liverpool LPC
Agenda for the Evening 6:30 – Arrival and Refreshments 7:00 – Quality Payment Overview 7:30 – Safeguarding OR Dementia Friend Training 8:30/9:30 – Q & A
Introduction to Quality Payments The Department of Health introduced the Quality Payments scheme as part of the Community Pharmacy Contract imposition Voluntary engagement – contractors don’t have to participate Part of the Community Pharmacy Contract payment – not new money! Payments will be made to community pharmacy contractors who meet certain quality criteria All pharmacies on the pharmaceutical list in England are eligible including Distance Selling Pharmacies but not those with Local Pharmaceutical Services (LPS) contracts
Quality Payment Funding £75m value in 2017/18 (from the overall £2.592bn CPCF funding) A maximum of 100 points can be earned per contractor Each point is worth £64 = £6,400 in total Possible reconciliation payment in March 2018 up to £128 per point for the number of points received by the pharmacy.
Review Points 2 review points during the year at which contractors assess which requirements they have met and how many points they have achieved: 28th April 2017 24th November 2017 Declarations will be made to the BSA in April and November – via a Smart Survey web-based form The web-based form will open for declarations: For review Point One (28 April 2017) from Monday 10 April 2017 at 09:00 and will close on Friday 12 May 2017 at 23:59 For review Point Two (24 November 2017) from Monday 13 November 2017 at 09:00 and will close on Friday 8 December 2017 at 23:59 Payments made in June 2017 and February 2018
Gateway Criteria Pharmacies must first meet four gateway criteria: 1. Offering MURs or the NMS or must be registered to provide the NHS Urgent Medicine Supply Advanced Service (NUMSAS) 2. NHS Choices entry up to date 3. Ability to send and receive email via NHSmail 4. Ongoing utilisation of EPS There is no payment for passing the gateway criteria If the gateway criteria aren’t met, NO points can be earned!!!
Quality Criteria Domain Number of review points Points per review point Total points Accessing Summary Care record 2 5 10 (£640) 80 per cent of pharmacy staff are Dementia Friends 80 per cent of pharmacy professionals have achieved level 2 safeguarding training Asthma patients dispensed more than 6 short-acting bronchodilator inhalers without any corticosteroid inhaler within 6 month period referred for an asthma review 10 20 (£1280) NHS 111 Directory of Services entry up to date. 2.5 5 (£320) Healthy Living Pharmacy Level 1 1 20 Production of a patient safety report. Patient survey results published on NHS Choices. 5 (£1280)
How to get Going If you are going to participate, get going NOW! Decide which QP criteria you plan to meet and by which review point Start with the easy ‘quick wins’ Start with those with 2 review points to start claiming in April Consider the costs you are likely to incur to achieve each criterion – some will take more time and staff resource to achieve, and some are much more complex than others Develop a timed plan for achieving the gateway and quality criteria
How to get Going Follow the LPC’s weekly guides Information on LPC and PSNC websites PSNC Webinar Thursday 16th March 7:30PM Use PharmOutcomes to log your progress Please ask your LPC for help if you are struggling: Liverpool – info.liverpoollpc@gmail.com Halton, St Helens and Knowsley - hshk.lpc@gmail.com Sefton - drljmanning@hotmail.com Cheshire and Wirral - cpcwnw@gmail.com
Time for Safeguarding/Dementia Friend Training