Bowen Elementary Kentwood, MI 5th Grade The Getalong Gang Bowen Elementary Kentwood, MI 5th Grade
Kentwood, Michigan This is where in the USA. Longitude,42.8694 of kentwood,MI Latitude 85.6447of kentwood,MI
Hypothesis Our Hypothesis is that we will have some of same macro invertebrates and some are different. I know this because different states have different macro invertebrates and weather. We will look into a pond at East Paris Nature Park. I think we will find lady bugs, water spiders, and snails.
What We Found macroinvertebrates number found mayfly nymph 38 midge larva 8 Mosquito larva 20 snail 34 bristle worm 31 damselfly nymph 30 amphipod/scud 21 Caddisfly larva daphnia/water flea 138 dragonfly nymph 15
Conclusion We will enter our conclusion after our comparison.