Today you will need your notebook You are taking notes today Copy down what is in red! If you were not here yesterday please get the work from the Monday folder (behind the door) If you didn’t turn in the work from yesterday you currently have a zero (0) in the gradebook for the assignment
VIDEO While watching the video, jot down at least three (3) facts. Pay attention to the key reason the US joined the war. Also, listen as to how the Treaty of Versailles will directly impact Europe forever (hint hint, WW2!!)
Hook: Treaty of Versailles-Answer each question (Remember, write down what is in red!!) Have you ever received a punishment that you thought was too harsh or was unfair based on what you had done? Why did you feel it was unfair?
Recall: Causes of World War I Militarism Imperialism Nationalism Alliances Triple Entente (France, Britain, Russia) Triple Alliance (Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary)
Recall: Trigger of World War I 6/28/1914: Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary is assassinated by a Serbian.
During the War Trench Warfare Automatic Machine Guns U-Boats (Submarines) Airplanes US trades neutrality for war in 1917 German attacks on ships carrying American passengers (Lusitania) Germany tried to get Mexico’s help (Zimmermann Note)
Trench Warfare
Trench Warfare
Automatic Machine Guns
Automatic Machine Guns
U-Boats & Airplanes
Sinking of the Lusitania
End of World War I (1918) US President Woodrow Wilson and the 14 Points Self-determination: right of people to choose their own form of government (end nationalism) Freedom of seas (end imperialism) Freedom of trade (end imperialism) Large scale reduction of arms (end militarism) End to secret treaties (end alliances) Wanted to create League of Nations to keep peace in the futures
Woodrow Wilson (US President) and British & French Leaders
Conditions of the End of the War Paris Peace Conference Germany forced to sign Treaty of Versailles Reparations: forced payment for war damage Germany forced to assume full blame for the war Germany forced to limit size of military Germany had to return Alsace and Lorraine to France (very good land – coal and iron) Germany resented the treaty – citizens didn’t think they were losing – no free press Can you see unresolved issues that might lead to further conflicts in the future?
In 1919, the Big 4 met in Paris to negotiate the Treaty: Lloyd George of Britain, Orlando of Italy, Clemenceau of France, and Woodrow Wilson of the U.S.
Sinker: Create a Flyer Pretend you are a German citizen and Germany has just signed the Treaty of Versailles. You are outraged. Create a flyer to hand out on street corners to express to the public your concerns and problems with the treaty. If you want people to read it, it must be visually appealing and to the point.