MFL in Secondary School
Aims: Developing an insight into how pupils can be taught MFL in a secondary context Developing an understanding of pupils as learners Understanding how the broader picture affects work covered in the MFL classroom
What the pupils could KS3 Team games with white boards Circle time Beat the Teacher Kims game Speed Dating Grammar through rôle play Odd one out AfL, challenge + competition Oral proficiency Drilling Drilling + accuracy A4L + oral fluency Modelling and independence questioning
What the pupils could KS4 Internet t.v. White boards Board games Mastermind Grammar through rôle play Peer assessment Listening discrimination Challenge+thinking skills Drilling Oral techniques Challenge, questioning independence
KS5 Have I got news Board games Internet tv and radio DVD assessment Debating Internet investigation Peer assessment Self assessment Drawing response Current affairs Drilling + transference Listening + current affairs Target setting+independence Opinions Research + independence Target setting + improvement Autonomy Comprehension+interpreting text meaning
Linguistic skills Risk-taking Accurate pronunciation Decoding skills Understanding of language Written accuracy from language understanding Cultural understanding
Social skills Communication Working with partners Working independently Listening effectively Working as a team Supporting others in their learning Understanding cultures other than their own
Additional pressures Optionality and entitlement TLRs Appropriate curriculum Lack of take-up Competition with other subjects OFSTED exams
Aims: Developing an insight into how pupils can be taught MFL in a secondary context Developing an understanding of pupils as learners Understanding how the broader picture affects work covered in the MFL classroom