Sarah Dutton, Director of Surveys CBS News March 2013 Media-Driven Instant Polling in the 2012 General Election: Who Won the First Presidential Debate? Sarah Dutton, Director of Surveys CBS News March 2013
What Viewers Saw at 10:54:33 P.M.
CBS News and GfK/Knowledge Panel Partnership Representative online sample Working together since 2000 Instant reaction polls after debates, State of the Union speeches An expected part of CBS coverage Provides a competitive edge Claim to fame: HBO movie “Game Change”
For the 2012 Election 4 instant polls conducted in 19 days: all 3 presidential debates 1 vice presidential debate Among voters who are uncommitted N = around 500 Results delivered on website, phone backup Need to accurately represent debate watchers
Pre-Debate Poll Recruit participants for post-debate poll Agree to watch debate Log in as soon as debate ends Offered points as incentive Representative sample of debate watchers Collect data to establish pre-debate benchmarks for editorial use Demographics of debate watchers, allows us to check for response bias in post debate poll
When the Debate Ends… Open up lines, respondents log in Post-debate survey about 8-10 questions Pre- and Post-debate data is processed and posted on web site CBS, GfK check for potential response bias by party, prepared to weight to party ID if necessary (it has not been)
Behind the Scenes….Craziness! At CBS, talk with producer and correspondent based on partial data Decide what questions to use on air Intermittent data dumps “Will it be ready, will it be ready, will it be ready?” Stop taking in interviews when we have at least 500 Final data is inserted into pre-made graphics
Entire Process: Less than 30 Minutes 9:00 – 10:30 First debate 10:35 129 interviews in system, 335 in progress 10:40 494 interviews in system, 98 in progress 10:45 570 interviews HALT at n = 500 10:54 Anthony Mason on the air 10.6 million viewers
Party Identification for Recruits and Debate Watchers Similar Recruits Watchers Republican 18% 18% Democrat 23 22 Independent/other 59 61 Male 45% 44.5% Female 55 55 White non-Hispanic 71% 71% Hispanic 13 14 Black non-Hispanic 9 7
Other Demographics Recruits Watchers Married 59% 64% 18-29 15% 10% 18-29 15% 10% 30-44 30 31 45-64 39 40 65+ 16 19