Chapter 1 – MATH ANALYSIS What do I know so far??? Magnet Review
partner describe how the sequential run-off method works…. OLDEST partner describe how the sequential run-off method works….
Sequential Method In a Sequential Runoff system, only the candidate with the fewest first-place votes is eliminated immediately, and the votes are recalculated. This process is repeated until there are only two candidates remaining, at which point the remaining candidate with the most first-place votes is the winner. RE DRAW YOUR PREFERENCE SCHEDULES!!
Partner with MORE siblings Explain How to Determine if There Is A MAJORITY WINNER
MAJORITY WINNER Sometimes people mistakenly refer to a plurality system as “majority rules”, but there is an important distinction: to be a majority winner, a candidate has to be ranked first on over half of the ballots (whereas a plurality winner could have far fewer than half of the votes, as long as they have more than any other candidate).
PARTNER with LIGHTER EYES Explain how the Borda Method works
In a Borda system, points are awarded to the first, second, third, fourth, (etc) choice on each ballot. The total points earned by each candidate are compared to determine a final ranking. The most common point assignment is to award ONE points for a last-place vote, 2 points for a next-to-last place, and so on (in a race with n candidates, a first-place vote would award n points).
PARTNER with MORE PETS Explain how the RUN – OFF METHOD works
In a Runoff system, all but the two candidates with the most first-place votes are eliminated immediately, and votes for those candidates are “inherited” by the highest- ranking candidate on each ballot who is still in the race. Using these updated results, the candidate with the most first- place votes is the winner.
Magnet review directions Choose an alias…think Rock Stars, cartoon characters, actors, famous historians, politician, teacher, Disney characters, talk show hosts… and write that name on the top of each of your four slips. DO NOT CHOOSE INAPPROPRIATE NAMES! Solve the question on your piece of notebook paper and transfer only your answers to the slip. Remember, you are competing against the person sitting next to you so don’t let them see what you are writing down! When Ms. Gagliano gives the OKAY, walk to the board and magnet your answer on your teams side. Sit back and wait and see if you got it right!
Question #1 If there are 35 students running in the election for social chair and Hinsdale Central decides to use a Run- Off election to determine a winner, how many candidates will be eliminated in the first round?
Answer to question #1 33
Question #2 Refer to the preference schedule below to answer this question.. If a winner is to be determined by the SEQUENTIAL RUN-OFF Method , tell me which candidate is eliminated in the THIRD round?
Answer to question #2 C
Question #3 Determine if there is a majority winner in the election below and support your answer with a numerical statement.
Answer to question 3 There is NO majority winner because C has the most first place votes with 16, but there are a total of 32 votes and to be the majority winner you must have MORE THAN HALF OF FIRST PLACE VOTES! 16 > 16
Question #4 Using the Borda method, determine how many points A would earn.
Answer to question #4 A =5(3) + 10(1) + 1(2) + 5(3) + 11(2) = 64
Question #5: Determine the CONDORCET WINNER, If one exists…